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Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email Newsletter, Issue #069, 2015-04-10 April 10, 2015 |"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road. We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same.
Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #69, April 10, 2015
Table of Contents
Important Notice
Prevent This!On March 24 through our Truckers' Savings Blog, we posted a bloglet about how more than two months later, police have issued tickets to drivers involved in a 193-vehicle accident on Interstate 94 in Michigan. Among the 58 people ticketed for the January 2015 wreck, there were 30 truckers. For what were they ticketed? They were "driving too fast for the conditions." As a result of the pile-up, one trucker was killed, 23 others were hospitalized and I-94 was closed for two days. Although you may not be able to avoid being struck by someone else driving too fast for conditions, you can certainly avoid driving too fast for conditions yourself and especially in a commercial motor vehicle. Remember the Smith System. At the bottom of their home page, they have the 5 pieces of advice, the one relevant here being "Leave Yourself An Out".
ReviewsI have been running this GPS for almost a month now. I deliver construction machines in an 18-wheeler and stay within a 300 mile radius. Thankfully, I Restaurant Review Petro Missouri Kingdom City This is a review of the restaurant at the Petro Iron Skillet in Kingdom City, Missouri. My Name Mike Simons Country where I drive professionally USA Shower Review Flying J Missouri Wayland This is a review of the shower facility at the Flying J Truck Stop in Wayland, Missouri. My Name Mike Simons Country where I drive professionally USA got this unit approx. 2 years ago been using it constantly ever since cookin everything from the frozen lasagna to steak and potatoes. I usually buy the Shower Review Pilot Georgia Dalton This is a review of the shower facility at the Pilot Truck Stop in Dalton, GA. My Name - Mike Simons Country where I drive professionally - USA I am a/an We request your review of a product or service marketed and sold to professional truck drivers, a truck part or a truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower. You can even earn money doing it. QuestionsWe ask the hard questions about how professional truck drivers can save money or are being forced to spend more money in their jobs. We asked the following since our last email newsletter: From our Facebook page: Questions arising from the article: 1. Which manufacturers of truck tires say that their tires can't handle speeds faster than 75 miles per hour? 2. How many accidents have happened on South Dakota roads as a direct result of truck tire problems? (Or are these accidents merely related to speed?) 3. What percentage of big trucks traveling in South Dakota are able to travel 80 mph? Asked through our Facebook page: How many GPS-related trucking accidents have been due to truckers using a GPS unit meant for a non-commercial motor vehicle? Has any commercial motor vehicle-branded GPS unit ever led a trucker onto a road that wasn't meant for big trucks? If a CMV-branded GPS unit led a trucker onto a non-truck route and the trucker wrecked, could the GPS company be held at least partially responsible? What kind of GPS unit did this trucker use: the type that is used specifically for big rigs? Contributing article: Which 'vehicle safety devices' do you think would best protect you as a professional truck driver from ambulance-chasing lawyers? Contributing article: Independent truckers, do you agree that 'niche loads' -- the kind that larger carriers 'have difficulty servicing'-- can be profitable? Contributing article: On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being high), how important would it be for you as a trucker to have an 'emergency mobile app'? Contributing article: Owner-operator, when the price of diesel declined, did your efforts to make your rig more fuel efficient also decline? Contributing article: If a truck's 'collision mitigation system' takes over driving for a trucker and the truck crashes anyway, who or what is the 'contributor'? Contributing article: Why did the FMCSA change non-CMV-caused accident safety ratings but not 'publicly available CSA data'? Contributing article: If truckers already have an inverter, are they more likely to buy a climate-control-only version of an APU than one with an AC option? Contributing article: Trucker, has your consumer confidence risen to the 'second-highest level since July 2007'? Contributing article: How will not increasing 'federal fuel taxes to pay for funding the next highway bill' affect the trucking industry and your paycheck, trucker? Contributing article: How has RFID use helped or hindered your work as a professional truck driver? Contributing article: If you don't wear a seat belt when you drive a CMV, do you tend to 'engage in other unsafe or illegal driving activity'? Contributing article: Trucker, what personal or truck-related products or services that you buy on the road cost you more than they used to? Contributing article: If getting 45 to 60 minutes of sleep can 'produce a five-fold improvement in information retrieval', then why don't the HOS regulations allow for this? Contributing article: How will a trucking company's failure to clean up after a spill affect its truckers' wages? Contributing article: If fleets own Mack trucks with extended service intervals that could save them 'thousands of dollars', will drivers in these fleets see higher wages? Contributing article: Will diesel ever cease to be 'the lifeblood of the trucking industry'? Which lower cost fuel will take over? Contributing article: Will regulations and the parking shortage affect autonomous (self-driving) trucks as they do today's truckers? What makes you think so? Comment on our Facebook page. Trucker, have you ever shopped for retreads based on a manufacturer's claim of a more fuel efficient tread design? Contributing article: Since FedEx's profit has jumped more than 50%, will their truckers see any of that in their paychecks? Contributing article: Related: Trucker, have you added a nose cone to your trailer? What improvement in fuel economy did you achieve? Contributing article: What will TravelCenters of America do with their nearly tripled profit? Will truckers see improvements? Contributing article: Related: Articles and Other MediaUpdated: Trucker Food and Recipes: for Eating and Cooking in Your Truck Professional drivers face many challenges to eating frugally on the road. Find trucker food and recipes that you can eat or cook in your truck. Updated: Truck Snow Chains: Preparation for Winter Driving When preparing to drive a commercial motor vehicle in the winter in some locations, you need to know the basics about truck snow chains.... Updated: Bed Sheets and Discount Bedding for Truck Sleeper Mattresses Mattresses in truck sleepers come in non-standard sizes, making the procurement of bed sheets or discount bedding challenging. What are your options for saving money?
I can't find my CDL! I had it yesterday when I delivered a load. What do I do? ----- Response from Vicki: Thank you for asking a question through our Truck Fuel Efficiency Guide Hope you are well. I was hoping to see if you like my guide, alot of work has gone into it. I was wondering if you think it Updated: MATS Exhibitor IdleAir to Give Away These Freebies and Discounts to Truckers IdleAir is an Exhibitor at the Mid America Trucking Show. Here's the list of freebies and discounts they're giving away to truckers. MATS Exhibitor IdleAir. Updated: Mid America Trucking Show (MATS) Exhibitor Freebies and Discounts for Truckers Are you or is your company an exhibitor who is giving away freebies or discounts to truckers at the Mid America Trucking Show (MATS)? Share your info now. Updated: Stolen Truck! Steps to Protect Your Tractor Trailer from Thieves In less than 30 seconds, thieves can take off with a stolen truck. How can you protect your tractor trailer? Read our tips... Earn More, Save MoreOn March 24, 2015, an article stated that "The cost of living in the U.S. excluding food and fuel rose more than forecast in February...." Costs for energy, food, paper, used and new automobiles, and clothing all increased. "Men's apparel showed the biggest gain on record," the article stated. And of course, the cost of food is up. If your income as a professional truck driver has not increased to keep up with the cost of living, then either your standard of living goes down or you have to find a second source of income. Do you have one? Do you need one? Call 800-955-9549. Leave a message for more info. Social NetworkingFollow us on the following Social Networking sites: Popular Sections of our site:
To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards, Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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