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Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email Newsletter, Issue #071, 2015-06-12 June 12, 2015 |"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road. We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same. Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #71, June 12, 2015Table of Contents
Important Notice
Prevent This!One of the articles in this month's email newsletter was triggered by a complaint from a trucker who claimed to be charged $1,600 for being 7 hours late in delivering a load. No details were given about why the driver was late or if the trucking company was contacted regarding the delay. Perhaps it didn't matter. Perhaps to the receiver, "late is late" and they wanted their money. Ouch! Could this situation have been prevented? Yes! Remember that whenever you haul a load, there can always be circumstances beyond your control that can force you to be delayed. Everything could be going well on your end when all of a sudden, the road or interstate you are on is closed for hours due to an accident. Should you be penalized for any circumstance beyond your control? We don't think so. Always, always, always read your dispatch completely and understand the penalties associated with delivering a load late. Never feel compelled to put your own personal finances on the line just to haul a load. Now perhaps you are content to take your chances with such a contract. If so, make sure you have enough money set aside ahead of time to pay the penalty should one be incurred -- and don't complain when you deliver late and have to pay. In our opinion, if your trucking company puts you under "forced dispatch" to take a load where the receiver will charge you a financial penalty for late delivery, you need to find another employer immediately. Why? Because this kind of contract lets your trucking company completely off the hook and puts all of the burden on you! If you are a trucker who refused a dispatch with a "gotcha" financial abuse section, please contact us. We want to hear your story. ReviewsShower Review Flying J Wisconsin Hudson Roberts This is a review of the Flying J shower facility in Hudson (Roberts) Wisconsin. Shower Review Flying J Wisconsin Hudson Roberts. My Name Mike Simons
Restaurant Review Travel Centers of America Wisconsin Hudson This is a review of the Country Pride Restaurant at the Travel Centers of America in Hudson, Wisconsin. Restaurant Review Travel Centers of America Wisconsin
Shower Review Pilot Minnesota Inver Grove Heights This a review of a shower at the Pilot Travel Center in Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota. Shower Review Pilot Minnesota Inver Grove Heights My Name Mike
I rate this 3 of 5. I am a truck driver. I use this product, and it works good. But it has 2 problems. 1st. The 12V plug in melts. Not only for this. I
Shower Review Pilot Tennessee Knoxville East This is a review of the shower facility at the Pilot Travel Center east of Knoxville, Tennessee. Shower Review Pilot Tennessee Knoxville East. My Name Do not buy rand mcnally gps,total Junk they refuse to stand by products tech support is a joke they too just get rid of you if you look around reveiws
We request your review of a product or service marketed and sold to professional truck drivers, a truck part or a truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower. You can even earn money doing it. QuestionsWe ask the hard questions about how professional truck drivers can save money or are being forced to spend more money in their jobs. We asked the following since our last email newsletter: If you use a pair of Michelin's 'ultra-fuel-efficient steer tire', how much better fuel mileage do you get compared to your old steer tires? Contributing article:
Will Manitoba's truck driver certification help truckers in that Canadian province earn higher wages? Why or why not? Contributing article:
Do you think that the 'Beyond Compliance initiative' will help you save money as a trucker? Why or why not? Contributing article:
Trucker, if you have one or more pets in your truck, has it (or have they) ever caused you to be distracted? Contributing article:
Even if Freightliner has no plans to 'pursue ... a fully autonomous vehicle' isn't it likely that one truck manufacturer will? Contributing article:
If states adopt a 'mileage-based user fee system', will truckers who take their trucks home be required to pay anything extra? Contributing article:
Truckers, are you eating restaurant meals on the road more often, less often or about the same as you have in the past? Contributing article:
Do you think human trafficking isn't expensive? Try a felony charge and possible 20-year sentence. Contributing article:
How many professional truck drivers carry the 'Lil Trucker' multitool in their trucks? How often do they use it? Contributing article:
Here's one way violating a trip permit can be costly. What are others? Contributing article:
Truckers, would you trust a trailer that could move under its own power? Contributing article:
Professional drivers, have you used the 'Trucker Path' app to find parking? Is it accurate? Contributing article:
Which of these 11 simple sketches about personal finances mean the most to you? Contributing article:
Does the use of 'driverless trucks' at California ports make you feel insecure about your job, trucker? Contributing article:
If truckload rates climb in the near future, will truckers see any increase in their paychecks? Contributing article:
What happens to the trucking students who went to the CDL school that engaged in testing fraud? Contributing article:
Enjoy showering at an upgraded Pilot/Flying J shower? Please review it:
Owner operator, if you struggle to stay in business, do you find 'health' to be the 'third core reason' for that? Contributing article:
Do you agree that speed-limiting big trucks is an accident waiting to happen? Why or why not? Contributing article:
How expensive is it for a trucker to have HIV? Contributing article:
What caused one trucker to slam his rig into the back of another rig? How could this have been avoided? Contributing article:
If the driver in an autonomous truck is reading -- or otherwise distracted -- how will he know when to 'take control if something goes wrong'? Contributing article:
Couldn't the tanker driver have avoided overturning his rig near Detroit if he had just slowed down ahead of time? Contributing article:
Would being offered 'continuous learning' or technology in your truck entice you to drive for a trucking company or stay longer? Contributing article:
How much will it cost the trucker who transported 'hazardous materials without placards'? Will he further be liable for injuries stemming from the fire
that ignited when he was pumping the liquid from his truck?
Will this heat map cause you to change the way you're doing business as a trucker? Contributing article and image:
Even though the current generation of autonomous trucks can't do some things yet, do you envision a day when they will? How will you prepare as a trucker?
Why would any trucker risk driving under the influence, crashing and hurting people? Did he not realize he could hurt his trucking career? Contributing article:
Why would a tractor trailer driver drink wine before operating a truck, risk getting a DUI charge and risk injuring auto passengers? Contributing article:
Why would a truck driver risk receiving a 'felony charges of possession with intent to deliver marijuana...'? Contributing article:
Will it cost more for 'refrigerated transport trucks and trailers' to be clean under 'new federal regulations'? Contributing article:
Have any professional drivers found that Open Road Drivers Plan -- as advertised by OOIDA -- does or does not add a 'layer of inspection protection' during CVSA's Roadcheck? Review the service:
How much will it cost this trucker for allegedly 'using a computer to facilitate a child sex crime'? Contributing article:
Is Covenant Transport's '$1,000 per week minimum guarantee' for their 'HazMat OTR team drivers' paid to the team or to each driver individually? Contributing article:
Will the savings that Volvo Group has achieved on energy consumption result in lower prices of their trucks? Contributing article:
Can a proper pre-trip inspection be done in less than 30 minutes? Contributing article:
How much money will it cost truckers to get their recalled 'Idle Free' APUs fixed? Contributing article:
So how are these two companies planning to disrupt the trucking industry? Contributing article:
Will the requirement for 'commercial vehicles to include electronic stability control systems' really 'prevent up to 49 fatalities, 649 injuries and 1,759 crashes annually'? How long will it take to verify this? Contributing article:
Trucker, if you have a 'Zero Maintenance Damping® (ZMD®) equipped suspension' on your truck, what savings have you realized? Contributing article:
Should truckers start carrying a second 'throwaway wallet' to give to robbers? Contributing article:
Will adding a 'collision mitigation system' to your truck provide return on investment? If so, how and when? Contributing article:
What could all the costs be for parking 'for naps alongside interstate on-ramps' in North Carolina? Contributing article:
One website sells 'CPAP mask wipes' in a 62-count canister for $11.50 ($0.185 each). CPAP users, how do you clean your CPAP masks frugally? (Note: Multiple brands of CPAP mask wipes are also available through
For how long do you think that Rhode Island will exclude a truck-only toll? Contributing article:
Do news articles about trucking companies' new pay packages make you consider changing companies? Contributing article:
Truckers, have you ever chosen a truck driving job based on DAT's 'hot market map'? Contribugin article:
Is '$1 a Mile' a rate that owner-operators should be cheering about? Why or why not? Contributing article:
Owner-operators, have you ever increased your truck's oil-change interval? If so, by how much and how did you do it? Contributing article:
Since some thefts from truckers net thieves little cash, will this type of crime likely decrease in frequency? Contributing article: While offering free inspections is generous, wouldn't it be better to teach truckers how to do these truck inspections for themselves? Contributing article: Truckers, are you more upbeat about your wages today than you've been for 7 years? Contributing article: Will 'guaranteed driver pay' and 'guaranteed home time' become 'the norm' in the trucking industry? Contributing article: Articles and Other MediaCVSA Roadcheck Can Be Expensive for Truckers If you or your rig are unprepared for CVSA Roadcheck, being put out-of-service can be expensive. Be smart and be prepared.
Charge for a missed appointment My trucking company is charging me for a missed load appointment $1600, the load was 7hrs late , but shipper received the load and unloaded it, they charged
Where did you store the big Coleman Ice Cooler ? Already have a Coleman 5day Xtreme Cooler. Want to come out of a International ProStar into a Cascada. Thank you for this blog, I have been trying to get
How do I go about getting a Rewards Card from Travel of America truck stop for a Profession driver? My husband who is professional truck driver would like a rewards card from Trvel of America, how can I get one for him? ----- Response from Vicki: Hello,
I am going to be living in the truck with my husband full time soon and have a lot of clothes that cannot be folded without wrinkling horribly. I cannot
Distracted by a bee in your truck? How can you keep from being distracted by a bee in your truck, as this driver supposedly was? (Note: He consequently caused a truck accident.) The first
A professional truck driver informed us that his company had double booked loads on him for the second time in the last 2-3 weeks. This means that he was
A trucker's wife thought that her husband's vacation pay was stolen when it wasn't paid out in a timely manner after her man passed his one-year anniversary
Suppose you drive a truck that has a DEF fuel tank -- aka DEF tank or DEF storage tank -- that holds Diesel Exhaust Fluid on the passenger's side (right
E-File Your 2290 with with Exclusive Promo Discount Note: This exclusive savings promotion was submitted through our Truckers Savings News page. 2290Tax is the e-File provider to get you your 2290 Form. Earn More, Save MoreSince our last email newsletter, Vicki read two articles from seasoned truckers about the reality of low pay for professional truck drivers:
It makes perfect sense to consider start earning a second income from the cab of your truck -- that you can grow over time -- so that if you ever need to get out of trucking, you have something to fall back on. Call 800-955-9549. Leave a message for more info. Social NetworkingFollow us on the following Social Networking sites: Popular Sections of our site:
In the northern hemisphere, truckers will soon be experiencing summer temperatures. If your truck has no diesel-powered APU for climate control, please carefully evaluate whether or not to idle for comfort in light any penalties you could receive depending upon your location. It can be downright harmful to your body to become overheated. To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards, Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved. |
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