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TDMST Email Newsletter, 2015-08 August 14, 2015 |"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road. We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same. Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #73, August 14, 2015Table of Contents
Important Notice
Prevent This!According to this article, "The root cause of the fatal June 2014 crash involving a Walmart tractor-trailer and actor/comedian Tracy Morgan was a tired truck operator, the National Transportation Safety Board has concluded." Another article { - no longer online) stated that the trucker "had driven for 12 hours from his home in Georgia to Delaware, 800 miles away, to start his route", which you know is the equivalent of better than an 11-hour driving shift under the Hours of Service regulation. While it is true, as the NTSB noted, that the Hours of Service regulation "do not address off-duty choices", professional truck drivers ought to be able to gauge when they begin to get drowsy or their reaction times are slower. At such times, they need to find and park in a safe and legal parking space. We certainly believe that the Hours of Service regulation ought to be revised to allow truckers to rest or sleep whenever they are tired, without affecting their ability to put in a full day's work. However, until that time comes, truckers need to get enough good, deep, restorative sleep every day during their sleeper berth breaks. Although we have no evidence to back up the supposition that the trucker's company pressed him to drive that day, we urge truckers to be on their guard against driving tired, no matter how "hot" a load is. As the old saying goes, "The fastest way to cool off a hot load is in a ditch." In this situation, not only was the load late in arriving but people were injured and one person was killed. No freight is worth a person's life. Furthermore, the trucker has "been charged with vehicular homicide", something that he will never be able to forget. While trucking company "fatigue management programs" may be beneficial, truckers are the best ones to gauge their own alertness. If necessary, pull over and take a "power nap". When you're getting ready to drive every day, make sure that you are well-rested and are able to give your best attention to your job. Prevent senseless accidents. ReviewsThis gps is a dud. It freezes up constantly. I drive a truck everyday, so I need a unit that will guide me correctly to my destinations. Contacting Cobra this has been a total disappointment. it recalculates as you are getting off of a ramp and you don't know to turn left or right unless you pull over and
We request your review of a product or service marketed and sold to professional truck drivers, a truck part or a truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower. You can even earn money doing it. QuestionsWe ask the hard questions about how professional truck drivers can save money or are being forced to spend more money in their jobs. We asked the following since our last email newsletter: Trucker, what procedures or safeguards does your trucking company have in place to help protect you, your rig and your load from cargo theft? Contributing article: Did this trucker get charged with DWI while driving his personal car? If so, how will that affect his trucking career? Contributing article: How much will the distraction caused by this trucker's canine companion end up costing him? Was the wreck just the start? Contributing article: If you drive for JB Hunt, how much has your income potential suffered because of the problems with the 'transportation management system provider'? Contributing article: Did you ever figure that a tired trucker could be charged with 'vehicular homicide'? Contributing article: If you have recalled BFGoodrich tires on your truck, how much time and money will you spend getting that situation resolved? Contributing article: Do you haul food and drinks? Watch out for cargo thieves who want your load! Contributing article: Is there really nothing you as a trucker can do to avoid hitting someone intent on committing 'suicide by truck'? Contributing article: What is the max amount of time that a trucker should be awake before beginning a 14-hour trucking work day? Should this continue to be self-regulated? Contributing article: What impact will this California law have on trucker well-being within the state -- and eventually nationally? Contributing article: Related: Trucker, if you're a Verizon customer, how will their end of 'contracts for new customers and existing customers buying a new phone' affect your bill? Contributing article: Trucker, did you know that a medical journal has indicated that 'not drinking enough water is like driving drunk'? Quote:
"Truck drivers are especially prone to dehydration. Many truckers don't
drink enough water because they don't want to stop for frequent
breaks." ... Related: If the 2013 HOS change had truly provided irrefutable safety benefits, would anyone complain? Contributing article: Truckers, do you have a 'disruption' plan in case your income from trucking dips or stops? Contributing article: Related: Why would a trucker risk getting 'five misdemeanors and five summary violations' -- and being 'visibly impaired' from alcohol and marijuana -- while driving a big rig? Contributing article: Truckers, are you dispatched via Smartphone app? How is that working to keep you loaded, rolling and saving money? Contributing article: In addition to cars, do some truckers need to turn their rigs' lights on when it rains? Contributing article: Truckers, would you ever use a DIY truck tire valve stem repair kit? Contributing article: Isn't the diesel that truckers buy supposed to be free of water? How can you tell if it isn't? Contributing article: What financial return on investment will the UPS receive for using more 'biodiesel over the next three years'? Contributing article: Owner-operators, are you keeping your truck longer? Why or why not? Contributing article: How will apps that match 'freight with available truck capacity' change the trucking industry -- and truckers' wages? Contributing article: What could recreational and legal use of marijuana cost you as a trucker? Contributing article: Even if 'long-haul truck drivers have overweight and obesity rates almost 20 percent higher than the general population', should the feds spend money to help them lose weight? What was the ROI on the $2.6 million spent on this project? Contributing article: Did this trucker wreck -- and get charged for 'driving under the influence' -- because of his prescription drugs? Contributing article: Can Canadian truckers drive farther under their country's Hours of Service regulations than U.S. truckers can drive under their own? Is that good or bad? Contributing article: If 'freight volumes [are] projected to increase nearly 29% over the next 11 years', will safe and legal truck parking need to increase by that much as well? Contributing article: If you worked as a port truck driver, would you strike if part of your grievance was that your trucking company refused to provide you with a 'safe and reliable' truck? Contributing article: How would you protect yourself from a knife-wielding thief, trucker? Contributing article: Was the 'dangling' trucker following too closely behind the car in front of him to avoid the I-94 bridge accident? Contributing article: Isn't 'Being able to do other things while [a truck is] in autonomous mode' an invitation to distracted driving? Contributing article: Trucker, how do you 'make yourself valuable to your employer'? Does that pay off for you? Contributing article: How much will 'crash-proof data recorders' cost for heavy trucks and of what benefit will they be? Contributing article: If focusing 'only on price' is one of the '5 Mistakes to Avoid When Outsourcing [Maintenance] Service', why do trucking companies seem to focus on how little they pay their drivers for delivery service? Contributing article: Do you think that an application to drive trucks professionally -- falsified by omitting 'accidents and traffic convictions' -- can't ever come back to bite you? Contributing article: What 'fuel efficieny' are you getting, trucker, for using 'TrailerTail aerodynamic equipment'? Contributing article: Will 'Collision-Mitigation Technology' on Commercial Motor Vehicles pay for itself? If so, how? If not, why? Contributing article: What are the pros and cons of truck drivers being 'paid at least minimum wage for all time worked' in the State of California? Contributing article: You knew that a brake inspection could be made at any time, didn't you, trucker? And that being put out-of-service for a brake adjustment violation can also occur at any time? Contributing article: Truckers, how much is the I-10 bridge closure costing you personally? Contributing article: If you could, trucker, would you eliminate an axle to get up to a mile per gallon increase in fuel economy? Contributing article: Professional truck drivers, if you use a grill on the road, what type do you use and how well does it work? Contributing article: Review the grill you use on the road Truckers hauling containers to Southern California ports, are you aware that terminal entry fees will increase in August? Contributing article: Truckers, did you know that a 'sharp rise in [the cost of] diesel would be very troubling for many of the marginal carriers'? Contributing article: Besides paying truckers by the hour, is everything else in 'The Truck Safety Act (S. 1739)' a good idea? Contributing article: Related:
Articles and Other MediaMy employer left a blank copy of a log page in my truck & wants me to fill it out..I have a logbook in my truck! Do I have to fill this out? ----- Response Ya leave truckers alone your stressing US out by jeopardizing our jobs and waiting our re and costing us's a lesior to smoke and some of us enjoy Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: http://www.truck-drivers-money-saving- Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Updated: Earn More, Save More
There has been a great deal of talk about the "models" by which professional truck drivers get paid, such as:
According to this article, California law now requires "that truck drivers must be paid at least minimum wage for all time worked." On the surface, being paid for all of the time that one works sounds good, but if truckers are paid only minimum wage, someone else may argue that that does not sufficiently compensate truckers for their time. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, since July 24, 2009, minimum wage has been $7.25 per hour. By way of comparison, if you were earning a measly $0.30 per mile and averaging 43 miles per hour, that's $12.90 per hour. It is a fact that being paid by the hour as a trucker is still "trading time for money". Do you think your time is more valuable than that? Believe it or not, there is another way to be paid and it's called "leveraging time for money." Isn't it time to start thinking about leveraging your time for money by learning how to earn a second income from the cab of your truck during your off-duty hours? There are three levels of second income from which you may choose:
Which one are you determined to earn and why? Social NetworkingFollow us on the following Social Networking sites: Popular Sections of our site:
It's back to school season! Watch out for school buses and children -- and observe school zone speed limits. To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards, Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved. |
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