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TDMST Email Newsletter, 2016-04 April 08, 2016 |"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road. We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same. Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #81, April 8, 2016Table of Contents is proud to partner with DAT to offer a special on the TruckersEdge load board to our clients. TruckersEdge is powered by the DAT Load Board network - the industry's leading load board, with over 250,000 fresh loads posted daily. This load board provides the best price and value you can find. Sign up now for your first 30 Days FREE!* Important Notice
Prevent This!No matter how lucrative it may seem at the time, hauling any kind of freight (even a tiny amount) that is considered to be illegal or contraband can end up costing you a lot! On March 26, 2016, an article detailed how a trucker was hauling 88 pounds of cocaine and ended up being charged with:
The street value of the drug was estimated to be $1.2 million. Because "Indicators of criminal activity were present", according to police, the truck was searched. "A small amount of marijuana, believed to be for personal use," was also found. The trucker was consequently "jailed ... on $1 million bond". It is unfortunate how many similar articles are in the news. Prevent this! Don't haul illegal drugs and especially substances for which the DOT tests. Protect your CDL, your job, your career and your freedom! ReviewsWe request your review of a product or service marketed and sold to professional truck drivers, a truck part or a truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower. You can even earn money doing it. QuestionsWe ask the hard questions about how professional truck drivers can save money or are being forced to spend more money in their jobs. We asked the following since our last email newsletter: Truckers, which Smartphone or mobile apps have you used in the last 6 months that have helped you find more freight, carry more loads and earn more income? Contributing article: We don't agree with this statement, "If you take half your money away, and you can't pay your grocery bill, or you can't pay your house payment, the only other option you have is depend on the government". Do you, trucker? If so, why? Please comment on our budgeting page. Contributing article: Have you ever made any of these '5 big mistakes' when saving money? What happened? How did you fix it? Contributing article: Trucker, have you ever received a ticket for parking on an on-ramp or off-ramp because there was no where else to park? Where did this happen? What did you do? Contributing article: How will the trucker pay rate situation in Australia affect the trucker pay rate situation in the USA? Contributing article: No matter how autonomous or technologically savvy a millennial is in trucking, if the payment model is based on trading time for money, can wealth ever really be created? Contributing article: Truckers, what do you think the future of California's 'VMT tax pilot project' will be? Contributing article: Could it backfire to incentivize 'shippers and receivers to allow truckers to use their facilities to park by offering them tax breaks' if they detain truckers in docks too long? Why or why not? Contributing article: Trucker, how likely might you be to use 'telemedicine' in order to have 'immediate telephonic access to U.S.-based doctors' for 'basic health questions, consultations and any non-emergency care'? Would you ever be tempted to use it in place of insurance? Contributing article: Truckers, is having 'national toll coverage, with optional weigh station bypass compatibility and comprehensive reporting for all major U.S. toll roads' from Bestpass Complete worth '$7 to $10 a month per truck'? Why or why not? Contributing article: Is taking SH 130 near Austin, Texas, a savings of time even though it is a toll road? What is the right balance? Contributing article: Do you find the concept of 'truck parking availability technology' funny because there just aren't enough parking places where they're really needed? Contributing article: Trucker, if your truck uses 'super single' tires, do you carry a 'super spare' mount? Are you more careful about tire maintenance with these tires than dual tires? Please comment on our preventive maintenance page. Contributing article: Trucker, in your opinion, did the 'Rolling Strong' program end because truckers weren't interested, didn't have time to participate or didn't know it existed? Contributing article: If you failed trucker 'orientation because of medical issues', would you want to 'have a coach work with [you] on nutrition and exercise'? Please comment on our health and wellness page. Contributing article: Does the thought of a highway to be used only by autonomous vehicles strike terror in your heart as a trucker? Why or why not? Contributing article: How many female truckers accept harrassment and other violations of 'civil rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964' instead of taking legal action? Contributing article: Will a decrease of 'up to two-thirds' in the toll rates on 'SH 130 near Austin, Texas' be enough to convince you to avoid I-35, trucker? Contributing article: Besides being engaged in road rage, wouldn't you agree that this trucker was definitely distracted if he rolled down his passenger window and shot at another trucker's driver's side? Contributing article: If you received $4 million, would you stay in trucking? Why or why not? Please comment on our budgeting page. Contributing article: Did you know that 'truck drivers on average make 163 decisions per mile, with many of them split-second in nature, which is why distractions pose a serious safety risk'? How can they call that 'unskilled labor'? Contributing article: If you're a trucker who drives for a trucking company that pays you a bonus for saving fuel, upon what basis are you paid the bonus? Contributing article: Trucker, would you say that you 'fear' frugality? If so, does your reason appear on 'the list'? Contributing article: If truckers' hourly time was valued as much as a truck's hourly cost ($153.72, based on weigh station pull-ins), do you think there were be either a trucker shortage or such high driver turnover? Contributing article: Comment on this on our budgeting page. If a truck costs $153.72 per hour based on weigh station pull-ins, then why do some trucking companies not utilize their trucks better? Why do they allow shippers and receivers to tie up their trucks (and truckers) in loading and unloading docks? Contributing article: Comment on this on our budgeting page. If the 'average weigh station visit took 3 minutes and 37 minutes' and cost 'a truck $9.26 in lost productive time per pull-in', then why aren't truckers paid more of the $153.72 per hour that a truck costs? Contributing article: Math: 1. Convert 3:37 to seconds (3 minutes x 60 seconds per minute, plus 37 = 217). 2. Divide $9.26 by 217 to get per second truck costs ($0.0427). 3. Multiply $0.0427 by 60 to get per minute truck costs ($2.562). 4. Multiply $2.562 by 60 again to get per hour truck costs ($153.72). Comment on this on our budgeting page. How do you think the lawsuit filed by truck drivers against 'Celadon over wages [and] employment status' will turn out? Contributing article: Why didn't this trucker pull over and get some sleep instead of being involved in a '12-vehicle accident' during which 'Two people were killed and about 70 others [were] injured'? Contributing article: [Formerly at No longer online.] Was hauling 88 pounds of cocaine worth 'charges of possession of cocaine with intent to deliver, possession of cocaine, marijuana and drug paraphernalia, suspended privilege and unsafe equipment, and [being] jailed... on $1 million bond' to this trucker? Contributing article: Want a chance to win up to $500.00 in prizes? Quote: "Trucking Social Media (TSM) is running a Truck Driver Video Advocacy Campaign, inviting all truckers to submit their video on the TSM. Videos will be categorized in the Video Contest Category and will be shared through Social Media. Prizes will be given to winners, and videos are judged by piers. The videos with the most 'thumbs up' will be awarded cash prizes. Most importantly, the messages in these videos will be shared via Social Media." Contributing article: What impact will a transportation tax -- that requires large trucks to pay by the mile -- have on the trucking industry and the cost of consumer goods? Contributing article: Comment on our truck operations page. If you use Rand McNally "routing and mileage software", have you ever found it to be inaccurate? Please write a product review. Contributing article: Trucker, if you don't have debt, are you putting 25% of your salary into savings? Comment on our budgeting page. Contributing article: If 'Australia is taking the dramatic step of restructuring driver pay', how long will it be before trucker pay in the USA is restructured? Quote: "Todd Spencer, executive vice president of the U.S.-based Owner Operators Independent Drivers Association ... told a January meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington that drivers are routinely not paid for about a third of their actual working hours and, since drivers are primarily paid by the mile, there is no penalty to the shippers who delay them." Contributing article: Comment about this article on our budgeting page. Which of the 7 technologies listed in the article scares you the most, and why? Comment on our trucker services page. Contributing article: Did you know that if truckers' wages were 'adjusted to 2015 dollars', they would earn 'over $111,000 a year'? Comment about this on our budgeting page. Contributing article: Articles and Other MediaUpdated: Truckers Using Direct Deposit as a Means of Saving Money Although many people are aware of using direct deposit as a means of getting paid faster, are you aware that it can also save you money? We'll share with you money saving tips on this service... Updated: Addressing Snow Removal from Semi Tractor Trailers Beware of the requirement for snow removal from your semi tractor trailer if you drive in some states in the winter. We address some points. food the most expensive item how do i save on it hi if i don't get allowance for meals and sleep outs how do i safe money i must always phone home to ask for money, is this fair im like permanent on duty States where truck drivers earn the most -- accurate or no? Wondering if you guys have seen this map of states where truck drivers earn the most. Here's the link: wind resistance has anyone figured out a way to close the gap between the truck and trailer to reduce the wind drag there ? ----- Response from Vicki: Hi, Murray. Thanks
Earn More, Save MoreThe article stated that on Tuesday night, March 28, a trucker pulled over in "the breakdown lane of I-495" to adjust his load. He fell, hit his head and died. Trucking is one of the top 10 deadliest occupations in the USA. We can just about guarantee that when this trucker started hauling freight that day, he didn't expect to die that night. Once a trucker dies, his trucking income stops. Period. Truckers' families who depend upon this income could be devastated financially. With the right second income, money can continue to flow to a trucker's heirs and one need never fear having one's trucker pension slashed by 50-65%. Find out more by subscribing now to Vicki Simons's Second Income for Truckers E-Course. Social NetworkingFollow us on the following Social Networking sites: Popular Sections of our site:
When Mike taught school, invariably sometime in the spring, his students would adopt some kind of mediocre attitude toward their school work. He challenged them to snap out of mediocrity and pursue excellence always. So it is with driving. Sometimes people are so familiar with a road or their surroundings that they get a little slack. Or they may become distracted by one of 10,000 things that could claim their attention while driving. May we encourage you to stay alert and prepare in advance (as much as possible) for the actions of others? One of our favorite "games" is observing a driver's behavior and predicting out loud what he or she is likely to do next. Vicki told Mike that if there was money to be made in "driver behavior prediction", he would have been a millionaire by now! Ha ha! Give yourself space and stay safe. To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards, *Promotional offer for new TruckersEdge subscribers only. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. |
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