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TDMST Email Newsletter, 2016-07 July 08, 2016 |"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road. We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same. Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #84, July 8, 2016Table of Contents
Partnership: DAT Load is proud to partner with DAT to offer a special on the TruckersEdge load board to our clients. TruckersEdge is powered by the DAT Load Board network - the industry's leading load board, with over 250,000 fresh loads posted daily. This load board provides the best price and value you can find. New subscribers get their first 30 Days FREE! Important Notice
Prevent This!A video taken from the dash cam of a passenger vehicle in Hong Kong revealed how a truck driver retaliated against what he perceived was the car driver cutting him off. We've read through what the author of the news piece wrote. We also watched the video several times. The first part of the video is taken through the rear of the vehicle, so some of this may be speculation. To us, it does not appear as though the car driver "cut the truck driver off", but rather was preparing for the left lane closure ahead and moved over with enough room between the vehicles. Had the truck driver been looking ahead -- as he should have been -- he would have seen the lane closure and not started what may have been a last-second attempt to pass. Once the left lane opened back up, the car driver moved back over to the left lane. Why the left lane? According to Wikipedia, while "All US states and territories except the US Virgin Islands drive on the right", "[t]he territories of Hong Kong and Macau continue to drive on the left side of the road." This means that the car driver was in the slow lane until the lane closure and then moved back over to the slow lane once the lane closure came to an end. Once the truck passed the car, that should have been the end of it. But it wasn't. Just a little way up the road, the truck driver stopped in the middle of the road and literally backed up into the car! While the video does not show much more than that, we wonder if the damage that the truck did disabled the car and left it in need of being towed. The car's dash cam clearly recorded the truck's license tag number. We wouldn't be surprised if:
There is absolutely no excuse for what this truck driver did! No matter how stupid drivers of non-commercial motor vehicles are acting, don't try to "teach them a lesson." Road rage accidents are always preventable. Prevent this! ReviewsShower Review: Little America Truck Stop, Little America, WY The following shower review was submitted by a professional truck driver of the facility at Little America Truck Stop, Little America, WY.(*) ----- You may have read the results of a sleep apnea survey conducted by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). One finding was this: "Among drivers who had been referred to a sleep study, 53 percent paid some or all of the test costs, with an average of $1,220 in out-of-pocket expenses, representing just over 1.5 weeks of median driver pay at $805 per week." If you have been referred to a sleep study, diagnosed with sleep apnea, and fitted for a CPAP machine or another prescribed treatment, please consider submitting a product review of your device. Furthermore, if you now know of one or more ways that you could have:
We want to help as many truckers as possible save money. Thanks in advance for your help. Note: We need to have your real name in your sleep apnea equipment review, but if you prefer not to have your name published with this review online, please state that and we will respect your wish. We request your review of a product or service marketed and sold to professional truck drivers, a truck part or a truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower. You can even earn money doing it. QuestionsWe ask the hard questions about how professional truck drivers can save money or are being forced to spend more money in their jobs. We asked the following since our last email newsletter: Rather than focus on questions since our last email newsletter, we've been hard at work on other tasks that we trust in the long run will benefit all of our readers. Articles and Other Media
A Load Board Overcomes the 'No Freight' Layover Problem Ever been told that there is 'no freight'? You may need a high quality load board to stay loaded and rolling. Vast differences between freight boards exist. Learn more... Updated: Reasons Why Eating While Driving a Truck Can Be Costly Do you drive a truck professionally, get paid by the mile, and don't want to park to eat? Here's why eating while driving can cost you... Updated: Safely Back Up Your Tractor Trailer; Truck Backing Situations Among the most difficult maneuvers a professional driver can make is to back up his or her rig safely. Let's look at different backing situations... What questions to ask a recruiter when you are first time ever wanting to become a truck driver. What are some if not many and important questions to ask recruiters when you are looking for a paid schooling first time cdl driving job. I will take any Updated: Customer Satisfaction for Truckers at Truck Stops and Beyond When professional truck drivers buy products and services, whether or not from truck stops, they expect customer satisfaction. What if they don't get it?
Earn More, Save MoreOn June 30, 2016 -- and just in time for the Independence Day holiday -- published an article about how "Truckers [Are] Fleeing the Road Due to Missed Holidays and Low Pay." The article's author "spent 10 years researching the book, including a six-month stint working as an over-the-road driver for a major truckload firm" and quoted from his book about one episode from his life when he would be "sitting unpaid for more than forty-two hours". Holidays are especially tough on truckers and their families. Customers that have closed for a holiday may, in essence, force truckers to be far from home without earning any money. Are you going to be among those "cooling their heels at some lonely truck stop" -- waiting for the industry to change -- or are you going to do something about it? Learn what it takes to start earning a second income from the cab of your truck during your off-duty hours in the Second Income for Truckers E- Course. Note: The price of the paid part of the e-course has increased and may increase again. Lock in your rate now. Social NetworkingFollow us on the following Social Networking sites: Popular Sections of our site:
In some parts of the USA, it is very hot this summer. Becoming too hot can hurt you in multiple ways and can even be deadly. Please take care of your own physical needs, especially if you have to spend any time in a hot truck. If you're absolutely sweltering in your truck, have no APU, and are restricted from idling for comfort, here's "a little empowerment for truckers without idling alternatives". Stay hydrated with plenty of pure drinking water. Also, take care of your truck's preventive maintenance needs during hot weather. To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards,
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