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TDMST Email Newsletter, 2017-02 February 10, 2017 |
Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email NewsletterIssue #91, February 10, 2017Featuring content from and supporting:"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."
Table of ContentsPartnership: DAT Load BoardHave trouble getting loads? Tired of not being utilized as well as you could be? Been told that there is "no freight" to haul? is proud to partner with DAT to offer a special on the TruckersEdge load board to our clients. TruckersEdge is powered by the DAT Load Board network - the industry's leading load board, with over 250,000 fresh loads posted daily. This load board provides the best price and value you can find. New subscribers get their first 30 Days FREE! Important Notice
Prevent This!This month, we had several articles from which to choose to put in this space. We narrowed the list to two. Trucker Looked Around, Looked Down, Failed to Brake and Killed ThreeA trucker had 12 seconds to apply his brakes but failed to do so, resulting in a major crash that killed three people. A February 9, 2017, article stated that there was "no evidence" that the trucker "was impaired by alcohol or drugs" or "distracted by his cellphone." Although he "had no previous criminal record" and was said to have lived an "exemplary life", the trucker failed to do "everything he could to avoid a collision" and pleaded guilty to three counts of involuntary manslaughter. Don't become distracted while driving a truck. Trailer Disconnected From Truck Resulting in Loss of Marble LoadA January 23, 2017, article revealed that a 38,000 pound load of marbles spilled in Indiana after the trailer disconnected from the tractor a trucker was driving. No details were provided, but we suspect that this may have been a trailer separation accident that could have been prevented had the trucker verified that the kingpin of his trailer was secure within the locking jaws of the tractor's fifth wheel.
Prevent these! VideosVicki created this video with permission based on the infographic on
F4A Trucker Wages Video: No Preempting State Labor LawsProfessional truck drivers: Call your representatives today and tell them to VOTE NO on any and all legislation which would negatively affect trucker wages by preempting State Labor laws or prevent drivers from ever being paid for working time. Media
I had one of them dam days where this boy could not get this truck going. Hours later they told me I needed an engine. I was down about 12 mikes from the... I have been using the USA Trucker's Daily and Monthly Record book. I cannot find it locally. Can you tell me where I can find it? ----- Response from... They have always done maginificent job with me several times!!! Your an idiot if you don't get then for your rep. I Been driving for 35 years and its all... If you work for a temp agency who do you turn your logs into,the temp agency or the company you are driving for? ----- Response from Vicki: Hello. As... Max Burton Digital Stove To Go This is the third Burton the first was the little oven that looks like it baked bread. That one worked maybe three times brought it back to the T/A thought When Do "Slippery Conditions" Turn Into Unsafe Driving Conditions?According to a February 9, 2017, article written in Massachusetts, when a "snowstorm made for slippery conditions on the highways and secondary roads ... truck drivers had to get to their destinations anyway." Yet, we observe, there may be times when driving with caution simply isn't enough because roads become downright unsafe. That raises the question: When do "slippery conditions" turn into unsafe driving conditions? And a related question is: If a trucker stops too often in winter weather, could he/she potentially lose his/her job?
Driving a Truck "Despite" When Road Conditions Are Unsafe?An article written from Maine on truck drivers said they need to go about their day despite when the road conditions are unsafe." We feel compelled to remind professional truck drivers that they need to "blow the whistle" when they are asked to anything that they reasonably believe evidences "A substantial and specific danger to public safety." That latter article cites the case of a trucking veteran who "refused to drive her rig because of safety issues associated with winter weather, was fired and later vindicated." No load is worth your life.
Should a List Be Compiled of All "Trucker Traps" in the USA and Canada?According to a February 6, 2017, article, a professional truck driver "is calling for a trucker's boycott" of Erie, Colorado, because "the Erie Board of Trustees raised the penalty for a truck driver to pass through its town in a semitractor-trailer to $2,650." But "the sign was placed in a location without warning and without a safe way to turn around" a big rig. In order to avoid getting slapped with fines for inadvertently violating ordinances like this, shouldn't truckers be empowered with the knowledge of where all of these traps are? If so, who will compile and maintain the list?
If a Trucker Lives in a Neighborhood, Shouldn't He/She Be Allowed to Park His/Her Truck There?A February 6, 2017, article opened with: "City leaders in Fort Madison are planning to vote Tuesday on a ordinance that would ban semi-trucks from parking in neighborhoods." Why should a trucker be threatened with a $500 fine just for parking his/her tractor at home? Are there any safe and nearby alternatives to parking a tractor in front of one's house? Earn More, Save MoreA January 31, 2017, article revealed how a 26-year-old trucker with two young children had "died recently of complications from a dental infection." We empathize greatly with the family. We don't know if the wife left behind was working or not. Even if she had been, will her income be enough to totally support her family? Some truckers' wives rely fully upon their husbands' paychecks for their family's livelihood. That can be a precarious financial situation because it was reported that driving a truck was the deadliest occupation in 2015. Sometimes, all it takes is a gust of wind to blow a truck off a bridge and despite rescue attempts, a trucker still dies. It's really sad. Consider the contrast of a professional truck driver whose only income is from trucking versus one who is earning a second income from the cab of his/her truck. Depending on the business selected, a professional truck driver's second income can supplement, equal or exceed the income he or she is earning from trucking. If the trucker's second income business can be bequeathed to his/her family upon his/her death, the loss of the trucking income may not be felt as keenly as it would be if trucking income was all there was. Vicki is revising the Second Income for Truckers E-Course into a different format, which will be available soon. Social NetworkingFollow us on our Social Networking channels: Blog and Email NewsletterSubscribe to our blog or email newsletter: Popular Sections of our site:
It's important for truckers to communicate their love to their families and home support team members regularly. Yet in February, there is a special emphasis on love. If you're strapped for cash, consider our Frugal Valentines Day Ideas for Truckers and Their Families. Also, a lot of winter weather is yet to come in some locations. Please take whatever time is necessary to make sure that you're doing thorough pre-trip inspections on your rig before you drive/haul it. Using certain tools you carry with you can help prevent needing to make an expensive winter-related service call. If you have a favorite winter-related tool or piece of equipment, why not provide a product review of it? To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road! Best regards,
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