Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email Newsletter
Issue #100, November 10, 2017
Featuring content from and supporting:
"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."
- We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road.
- We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same.
Table of Contents
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- Woohoo! This is Our First Triple-Digit Email Newsletter!
Way back in 2009, we started publishing Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email Newsletter.
Today, we celebrate our 100th issue or edition!
We appreciate having the opportunity to serve you -- and to keep serving you with information that helps professional truck drivers save time and money.
Contact us to share how this email newsletter can be made more useful to you. Thanks in advance.
- We Observed Our Second Annual "Low Clearance Awareness Day" on November 8
Read more about that -- and Vicki's so-far-unclaimed reward -- here.
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Part of the big plan was achieved on October 17, 2017, when we made secure.
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In numerous places throughout some of the TDMST Weekly Round-Up content, you'll see where we request a comment "below". These are references to the place on the page from which the content was taken, where comments may be left.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up: 2017.10.21
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending October 21, 2017.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. This week, made the move to a secure site (from "http" to "https"). If you find any glitches, please contact us. Thanks.
2. Midwest Carrier R&M Trucking stated in an October 2017 article that ELDs save time versus paper logs and that the system has "made it easier for everyone from drivers to dispatchers to operations".
In an October 12, 2017, article, we read that Rich Voreis, CEO of Marquette Transportation Finance, "believes ELD compliance may decrease cash flow and increase expenses for some motor carriers, while others may leverage this technology 'opportunity' to pick up new business."
A question has arisen in my mind based on this quote from a October 5, 2017, post about ELDs:
"As far as hearing from the every day, independent, owner-operator guy, I think this was a rare opportunity for [the DOT].”
Why is it that the DOT has authority over folks with whom they rarely communicate?
3. An October 14, 2017, article provides some enlightenment about ELDS:
- One driver said, "The electronic log also records when his truck's ignition is turned on, when it's moving, and when the engine is turned off."
- The driver said that his onboard computer makes things "a lot simpler" because "There's no way you can get any violations, because it pretty much tells you everything. When you're running paper logs, you can mess up."
- Speaking of earlier years in his trucking career, "A lot of companies will force you to run illegal if you're running paper logs... and if a
driver gets caught doing that, 'it's on you' because the company will simply deny it."
So, ELDs aren't just about the truckers doing something illegal, but also about truckers no longer feeling pressured by their trucking companies to do something in violation of the Hours of Service regulation!
4. According to an October 11, 2017, article, "The first solar-powered transport refrigeration unit on a city delivery truck has been successfully tested over five months in California's San Joachin Valley..."
The unit, called "Rayfrigeration" (a hybrid between solar "rays" and "refrigeration"), an "1,800-watt eNow solar system provided more than enough energy to maintain proper temperature throughout a typical day of opening and closing the doors while the refrigerated truck delivered fresh dairy products in California's summer heat."
"In addition to eliminating
emissions, the Rayfrigeration unit is projected to reduce operations costs by up to 90%.... The savings are achieved through eliminating diesel fuel and maintenance costs, and an increased battery life thanks to consistent charge maintenance by eNow solar."
My husband Mike and I saw something similar to this at the North American Commercial Vehicle Show last month.
5. An October 11, 2017, article opened this way: "The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) on Wednesday released a revised version of proposed regulations that establishes a path for testing and public use of driverless -- that is, completely unmanned -- vehicles. The release of these regulations marks the start of a 15-day public comment period, which ends October 25, 2017."
6. According to an October 11, 2017, article, an exhaust gas
recirculation system (or EGR) "makes engines more susceptible to severe fouling", including "poor engine performance, sluggish acceleration or reduced fuel economy".
Perhaps I'm behind the times, but I had never heard of "premium diesel" before reading this article.
7. An October 7, 2017, article says that before the end of the year, the state of Oregon will be increasing the truck speed limit "on portions of several interstate highways" from 55 mph to 60 mph.
Don't let this increase cause you to be involved in an accident, especially since there will still be some split speed limits in place between trucks and non-truck vehicles.
8. Do you drive a Peterbilt, Kenworth or International tractor? Pay attention to a recall on the steer axle.
9. An October 12, 2017, article stated, "Toyota's long-awaited hydrogen fuel cell electric truck is finally hitting the road, almost six months after the company first unveiled the clean and quiet Class 8 drayage truck."
Farther down in the article, we read:
"Fuel cell vehicles are powered by electric motors but don’t need bulky, heavy battery packs to store the energy. Instead, they make their own power by pulling electrons from compressed hydrogen in a process that takes place in a fairly compact fuel cell stack. There’s no combustion and no tailpipe emissions, although the present process for producing fuel quality compressed hydrogen is not emissions-free."
10. The author of an October 10, 2017, article about "automated trucking" stated, "At the very least, truck drivers could be downgraded to co-pilots, once automation hits the industry."
Speaking of co-pilots, an October 13, 2017, article was accompanied by a photo of an autonomous tractor that looks to me like an airplane cockpit.
Even so, an October 17, 2017, article stated, "Indeed finds that truck drivers are the most sought after talent at small businesses."
11. According to an October 18, 2017, article, the "driver of a semi truck was a eating a taco Wednesday afternoon when he lost control and spilled a load of bark along Blewett Pass" in Washington state.
Separately, according to an October 16, 2017, article stated, "A log truck driver told police he choked on a doughnut and nearly passed out late last week, which caused him to crash".
For reference purposes, we previously addressed eating while driving.
12. According to an October 18, 2017 article, a Canadian truck driver "was sentenced to one year in jail [and has been 'barred from operating a motor vehicle in New York State'] for leaving the scene after his truck hit and killed a man walking on Broadway in June."
The man whom he hit "was walking in the lane of traffic in dark clothes".
The trucker was drowsy, "may have briefly dozed off" while driving and "realized he had struck something". After checking his truck and finding a cracked bumper, he was "afraid of what may have happened... [and] drove away."
This situation may have had a different outcome had the trucker stayed at the scene of the accident until law enforcement arrived.
13. According to an October 17, 2017
article, "A UPS truck driver was killed early Tuesday [while he was] in the process of connecting the truck to a double-box trailer when he stepped out of the truck cab to apply the air brakes to the second trailer. ... Because the emergency brakes were not applied, the truck started to roll.... The man tried to stop the truck, but it rolled over the victim and killed him, police said."
Our condolences go to the family.
Remember to apply your brakes before getting out of your tractor.
14. I knew something sounded "off" about this trucker's story. It turns out he was lying.
On October 16, 2017, we learned from prosecutors that James Bradley Jr., the "driver of a truck packed with immigrants, 10 of whom died due to sweltering Texas heat in July, pleaded guilty on Monday to human smuggling charges and could face
up to life in prison".
Furthermore, the FMCSA placed the trucking company for whom Bradley drove "out-of-service" for having a "safety rating [that] was so unsatisfactory that it was unfit to remain in business", according to an October 12, 2017, article.
15. An October 14, 2017, article stated that a "Florida truck driver has been sentenced to life in prison for a crash that killed two women while he was high on meth."
Interestingly, the trucker's defense argued that the meth "wasn't the cause of the deadly crash." Yeah, right.
Don't take illegal drugs. And especially don't take illegal drugs and drive any kind of a vehicle, commercial or non-commercial.
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up: 2017.10.28
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending October 28, 2017.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. An October 26, 2017, article stated, "A year-long USA TODAY Network investigation found that port trucking companies like Fargo have successfully used legal loopholes, shell companies and
bankruptcy protection to dodge the punishment labor court judges have handed down. ... The Network examined California labor commissioner and court cases filed by more than 1,100 port truck drivers and traced the outcomes for almost 60 companies found by the courts to have violated the law."
Among the shenanigans that these trucking companies have played are:
- moving assets into new business names;
- delaying payments for years;
- filing for bankruptcy; or
- pressuring drivers to accept small settlements.
If you're a driver who has been cheated, you may want to contact the Wage Justice Center.
2. According to an October 26, 2017, article, there are "loopholes and shortfalls in federal rules meant to keep other drivers safe" that allow truckers who are arrested for using drugs while driving commercially to keep driving.
This isn't right, especially
since the rules for obtaining a CDL means that a driver can have only one license.
The article has a list of "the top 10 states for fatal crashes involving a large truck in 2015".
3. Speaking of driver's licenses, an October 25, 2017, article stated, "The driver of a concrete bucket truck that crashed into an SUV, killing a Hamilton woman, did not have a valid operator's license".
Our condolences go to the family.
However, I want to know why the concrete company did not know that the driver had suspended driver's license. Aren't truckers required to report this information to their trucking companies?
4. An October 24, 2017, article stated that a trucker rear-ended a disabled truck on the shoulder of I-80, killing both the driver of the disabled truck and the driver who had come to assist with
a replacement tractor.
The driver of the third rig "was cited for improper lane usage and failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident".
A 3-count lawsuit against the trucking company seeks "more than $150,000 in damages".
My question, which is not answered in the article, was why the driver of the third truck did not know that the trucks on the shoulder were parked out of the lanes of travel.
Is it possible that at the hour that the accident took place (before daylight), the driver may have been fatigued or inattentive?
Our condolences go to the families of both truckers who died.
5. Let me address the "trucker shortage" and ELD issues:
a. An October 24, 2017, article reports that the "annual 'Top 10 list' of trucking industry issues compiled by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI)" shows that the number one challenge
in the trucking industry in 2017 is a driver shortage.
b. On October 22, 2017, Bob Costello, chief economist of American Trucking Associations (ATA), was quoted as saying that the "shortage of qualified truck drivers is projected to hit an all-time high of 50,000 by the end of 2017".
c. An October 20, 2017 article stated: "According to an article from "The Hill", a poll found 71% of independent drivers were tempted to quit if electronic logging devices became mandatory. ... 52% of company drivers said they would quit too."
d. The "ELD or me" protest has been going on for a while, yet according to an October 26, 2017, article, "Little evidence exists that truckers are leaving the industry ahead of the Dec. 18 deadline for adopting electronic logging devices, according to a just-released
comprehensive survey of carriers and owner-operators."
There's a good bit more time before the deadline. I'll be watching to see what happens.
e. Meanwhile, the "era of paper driver logs is over," stated an October 16, 2017, article. "Technology is available that will automatically record drivers Hours of Service and better ensure compliance with legislation."
Is that "all" there is to this issue? Will ELDs actually improve safety? Can't ELDs be manipulated? Is there any kind of invasion of privacy associated with ELD use?
f. An October 22, 2017, article stated, "The trucking industry is increasingly turning to minorities such as Mexican immigrants to meet a critical need for drivers, even as President Donald Trump and others deem them unsafe and a threat to American jobs."
g. Another October 22, 2017, article says that the driver shortage could cause trucker wages to increase!
The phrase used in the article was "strong income growth". How strong?
"Driver wages could climb 30 to 40 percent over the next two years, said Eric Fuller, chief executive of US Xpress, a 7,400-truck motor carrier."
I'll be very interested to see what happens.
6. An October 24, 2017, article stated, "Electronic logging device can cost from $500 to $700 and require a monthly service fee."
How much did your ELD cost and how much are ongoing expenses for your unit?
7. An October 20, 2017, article states that a "trucker has been sentenced to 125 years in prison for sexually assaulting five children and possessing child pornography."
8. An
October 25, 2017, article said that saving makes people happier.
Yet an October 20, 2017, article cited a couple who retired in their 30s as saying that it isn't saving that makes people rich, but rather "investing, and making your money work for you."
9. An October 20, 2017 article stated, "A truck driver's vaping device exploded in his shirt pocket ... while he was driving". The trucker "suffered burns as his shirt caught on fire, but [he] managed to pull the truck to the side of the interstate. He put out the flames with a fire extinguisher."
Ouch! We strongly recommend that truckers stop both smoking and vaping.
10. An October 19, 2017, article said that felony manslaughter charges have been filed against a semi-truck driver who "stopped for traffic in the far-right lane of Interstate 10" and fell asleep.
Although traffic started to move, "his vehicle continued to block the westbound lane" and his truck was rear-ended by a tour bus traveling "at a speed of 76 mph". Thirteen people died as a result of the collision.
Had this been a truck rear-ending another truck, the one in the rear position would most likely have been charged. However, in this case, the trucker faces multiple counts of "felony vehicular manslaughter with gross negligence" and "felony reckless driving with injury and 18 counts of misdemeanor reckless driving with injury". Why?
The trucker:
- "violated federal regulations for truck drivers and falsified his drivers log";
- "In the 24 hours preceding the collision, [the trucker] had only 7
hours of sleep opportunity" but may not have actually slept during that time; and
- he falsified his work logs, which included having "failed to take the mandated 34-hour rest period before making another cross-country trip".
By violating the Hours of Service regulation and failing to sleep as he was supposed to, his having fallen asleep in his truck in the lane of travel led to a horrific accident. Our condolences go to the families of those who died.
11. An October 27, 2017, article opened with this statement: "Boyd Bros. Transportation has announced $14,000 in sign-on bonuses for experienced flatbed CDL-A holders who join the Alabama-based carrier as company drivers before the end of the year."
Can you spell "desperate"?
12. Bestpass will soon be providing toll discounts for "central Florida expressways around Orlando", according to an October 25,
2017, article.
13. Congratulations to Tom Camp, who has "driven more than 1 million miles for UPS without an accident and achieved a feat no other company driver has achieved -- a spotless 55-year safety record", according to an October 25, 2017, article.
14. What pros and cons will arise from truckers being able to use "mobile device-based ELDs (those run on a phone or tablet) to change [their] duty status outside of and away from their vehicle", as an October 20, 2017, article described?
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up: 2017.11.04
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending November 4, 2017.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. According to an October 31, 2017, article, "At least eight people were killed and nearly a dozen more were injured when a truck driver deliberately mowed down people and targeted a school bus in lower Manhattan Tuesday in what authorities called a 'cowardly act of terror.'"
Our condolences go to the
Truckers, no matter whom you work for or how irritated you are, never ever use your truck to harm others.
2. A November 2, 2017, article stated that a "Romanian lorry driver has been jailed for five years and three months after killing a 52-year-old and causing a six-vehicle crash - while on his mobile phone."
Let this be a lesson: Prevent distractions while you're driving!
3. Truckers, would you wear a "SafeCap, a hat that senses head movements associated with sleepiness and wakes ... up [wearers] with sound, light and vibration", according to a November 3, 2017, article?
4. The title of a November 1, 2017, article revealed the difference between wearing and not wearing a seat belt while driving:
"Trucker dies in 2-semi crash; driver wearing seat belt unhurt".
To folks who claim that wearing a seat belt:
- is "uncomfortable": How comfortable was dying in a crash?
- is "restraining" or "confining": Of course! It keeps you in the seat instead of flinging you headlong through your windshield in a crash.
- "cramps my style": How long will you have a "style" after an accident?
5. The subtitle of an October 31, 2017, article has drawn both skepticism and criticism:
"Researchers say Tesla's electric 18-wheeler will only make sense in autonomous convoys of seven driving bumper-to-bumper."
My question and comment are:
- How often do multiple trailers full of merchandise leave a shipper and travel to the exact same destination at the same time?
- It sounds like they want a train on the road. Hmm...
6. In
response to an October 31, 2017 article about a man getting a 70 year prison sentence for randomly murdering a truck driver at 1:30 a.m., I feel compelled to ask:
What could the trucker have done to help prevent this? He was only doing his job.
Our condolences go to his family.
7. The president of the Arkansas Trucking Association needs some serious education. She was quoted in an October 31, 2017, article as saying, "Driver fatigue comes from drivers exceeding the allowable hours of service".
No, Shannon, driver fatigue can happen for a lot of reasons! What's stupid is that the inflexibility of the current Hours of Service regulations do not permit a trucker to park and rest without penalty whenever he or she needs a break.
The article about electronic logging devices (ELDs) quoted one independent owner operator, who
feels that the ELD mandate "could force him out of the industry" because he stated, "I will never drive with an electronic log."
Furthermore, he feels that "the added costs of the device, plus monthly fees, will likely push out small business owners like himself".
A November 2, 2017, article, states that one 27-year trucking veteran said that "the new regulation is more about control, than about safety."
This article states, "according to the federal motor carrier safety administration, the ELD mandate is estimated to save 26 lives and prevent 562 injuries each year from crashes involving large motor vehicles."
When the FMCSA changed the Hours of Service regulation back in 2013 (claiming that it would save lives), I predicted that it wouldn't -- and I
was right (see point #7). Now I predict that this ELD mandate will not improve safety to any significant degree either (if at all).
If there are more accidents and fatalities after the ELD mandate goes into effect, will the FMCSA reverse their decision? Hmm...
8. An October 30, 2017, article, stated, "The ATRI survey also found that 53% of drivers treated for OSA had some out-of-pocket costs, averaging about $1,220 per patient."
9. According to a November 3, 2017, article, "The American Trucking Associations announced that USA Truck Inc. has joined the industry group as its latest member."
Hmm... If the ATA is on the side of shippers and receivers, why did a trucking company join them? What does this move say about USA Truck's commitment to their drivers?
One sentence in a November 3, 2017, article about blockchain technology in the trucking industry raised a red flag to me:
For example, a state DOT could access a blockchain and see everything it needs to know about a truck approaching a weigh station: What its cargo is, information from the ELD, the truck's emissions history, how much it weighs, and so on. And if everything is good, a message could flash on the driver information screen letting him know he doesn’t have to pull in to the scales. He can keep on rolling.
I want to know how these systems are going to be kept hack-proof from would-be thieves. If the thieves can tap into a blockchain, won't truckers then be "sitting ducks" for cargo theft?
Yet according to an October 30, 2017, article,
Of the many benefits blockchain
technology is supposed to deliver to trucking – faster freight payments, more contract transparency, and fewer "middlemen" in the transport process – improved security is perhaps one of the biggest, according to Craig Fuller, CEO of futures and financial market data provider TransRisk.
"Cargo security is one fantastic application for blockchain; it could help prevent identity theft and 'fictitious pickups' when it comes to cargo theft," he explained during a conference call organized by Stifel Capital Markets.
We'll just have to wait and see.
11. A November 2, 2017, article indicates that trucks outfitted with "advanced collision mitigation technology" has the feature of "adaptive cruise control, which helps the driver maintain a constant distance behind the vehicle in front of [it]".
So, what happens in the event that the machine and the driver
have a "difference of opinion" regarding how to handle an impending collision on the road? Who would really be "in control" of the truck and how would anyone be able to prove that the trucker wasn't at fault if the truck truly "took over" and crashed anyway?
12. A November 3, 2017, article stated, "An aging and shrinking labor pool coupled with rising demand for capacity is going to force fleets to push up pay, bonuses, and other benefits in order to recruit and retain enough drivers."
13. Take a look at the photo of the autonomous truck and particularly what the "driver" is doing in the "driver's seat" in this October 31, 2017, article.
Notice anything interesting? The driver isn't keeping his eyes on the road and in fact, the seat isn't even angled straightforward so that the driver can "respond" if anything
This "total reliance" on technology to pilot the truck is a dangerous move, in my opinion. And in such a scenario, why would anyone want to pay someone to sit in a truck and play on a laptop or tablet?
Then again, isn't that the goal of autonomous trucks: to get rid of truckers?
14. The author of an October 31, 2017, article stated, "Now that we know that 10 MPG is possible with real trucks driving real routes delivering real freight we need to spread the word to the rest of the industry about what it takes to consistently achieve double-digit fuel efficiency."
15. There's a contradiction in an October 31, 2017, article. Either what is emitted from an "electronic cigarette" contains "only water vapor" or it contains the emission from "nicotine and flavorings" that are heated. It can't be both simultaneously.
Truckers would be better off to neither smoke nor vape.
16. Truckers, if you use a "Senzit" to track engine hours, provide air filter condition, and give updates on filter life and GPS locations -- all of which Donald Chilton, director of product management for WIX, claimed in an October 31, 2017,
article it could do -- would you please submit a product review and let us know if it also:
- predicts maintenance in a better way;
- reduces unplanned downtime; and
- reduces engine rebuild costs?
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
From the TDMST
Weekly Round-Up: 2017.11.11
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending November 11, 2017.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. According to a November 1, 2017, article,
"The National Transportation Safety Board has determined the truck driver, bus driver and California DOT were at fault in an October 2016 crash in Palm Springs, Calif., involving a tractor-trailer and a tour bus that resulted in 13 deaths and 31 injuries. The Board also determined the trucker had
untreated obstructive sleep apnea, and the bus driver had untreated diabetes and was fatigued, likely due to acute sleep loss, at the time of the crash."
Then, on November 8, 2017, an article reported that:
- "the National Transportation Safety Board revealed that the truck was indeed visible for 20 seconds before the tour bus hit it";
- "other drivers traveling ahead of the bus driver" saw the stopped truck and took "corrective action to avoid striking it"; and
- "the bus driver's failure to avoid the crash as a result of fatigue and the fact he did not expect to encounter stopped traffic";
were responsible for the accident.
Even though the trucker fell asleep in the lane of traffic, all members of the motoring public need to be prepared to stop suddenly while driving. Period.
2. The frightening situation encountered by one trucker --
as was reported in a November 10, 2017, article -- prompts me to ask,
"What procedures has your trucking company trained you on regarding being forced at gunpoint to drive your truck where the gunman demands?"
3. One sentence in a November 10, 2017, article has me asking questions:
"... because of the potential economic benefits, he said it's more likely the trucking industry will take the biggest steps forward in autonomous technology early on."
Who stands to benefit economically from autonomous trucking?
What about all of the taxes that are paid by truckers and those who work in trucking-related industries, particularly:
- those who service the truckers themselves and
- those who make products specifically for truckers?
4. "Cargo theft incidents in the United States were
up 24 percent in the third quarter when compared to the second quarter of the year, according to SensiGuard's quarterly report", according to a November 8, 2017, article.
Meanwhile, a November 9, 2017, article:
- stated, "Thanksgiving and Christmas are prime times for cargo theft";
- listed the "Top 5 States" where "all [cargo theft] incidents occurred"; and
- listed "The Top 10 U.S. Counties for cargo theft".
5. "A dispute between truckers allegedly over a spot in the fuel pump line at a Walton, Ky., truck stop left one truck driver with a gunshot wound in his arm and another dead after an apparent suicide. The incident occurred at approximately 9:38 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 7", according to a November 9, 2017, article.
A related article called the confrontation "A breach of trucker etiquette".
Please remember to "do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
Our condolences go to the family of the trucker who died.
6. Several articles this week all zero in on drugs being used by professional truck drivers:
- A November 2, 2017, article stated that the family of a woman who was killed by a trash truck driver in Glen, Burnie, MD, is suing the trucking company, claiming that the trucker "was prescribed 'psychotropic medications' to treat major depression and [they were] negligent in allowing him to drive a truck."
- "Beginning Nov. 8, five Michigan counties will participate in a one-year oral fluid roadside drug testing pilot program" and "Michigan saliva drug test pilot program" in which "specifically trained
officers" will test "drivers suspected of being under the influence of such drugs as marijuana, cocaine and heroin", according to a November 6, 2017, article; and
- A November 10, 2017, article stated, "The U.S. Department of Transportation is amending its drug testing panel to add four commonly abused opioids to meet new Health and Human Services drug testing guidelines", with the "drugs that drivers will be tested for [including] hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and oxycodone."
7. "Rhode Island officials won't deliver the state's truck-only tolls until after Christmas, to allow sufficient time for comment on the environmental impact of initiating tolling at the first two of 14 locations where gantries will be built", according to a November 10, 2017, article.
Environmental impact, huh? They didn't take that into account ahead of time?
8. There's still a lot in the news about the Electronic Logging Device (ELD) mandate:
- According to a November 9, 2017, article, "Produce transportation is dominated by small truckers, and [Kenny Lund, vice president of operations for the Allen Lund Co., La Cañada Flintridge, Calif.] said the planned ELD implementation Dec. 18 hurts the small truckers more than larger truckers." Specifically, "the ELD mandate may affect produce shipments more than dry freight, driving rates higher and adding to delays in shipments."
- According to a November 10, 2017, article, "The Texas representative who has been the principal sponsor of the H.R. 3282 ELD Extension Act of 2017 two-year electronic-logging-device mandate delay has written a
letter requesting President Trump write an executive order to delay the December 18 mandate enforcement deadline at least until April Fool's Day next year."
- On November 7, 2017, an article stated, "Independent truckers are trying to get President Trump's attention in the hopes that he will halt or delay the pending electronic logging device mandate before its Dec. 18 implementation deadline."
- "With less than six weeks until the Dec. 18 deadline for fleets to install mandatory electronic logging devices, one survey indicates there will be a lot of smaller fleets that are at risk for citations and fines -- or who will give up on the industry altogether," stated a November 8, 2017, article "The low rate of ELD adoption for smaller carriers will affect the entire industry. Some of the smallest carriers are expected to exit the industry entirely as a result
of the mandate."
- This November 7, 2017, article said, "With just six weeks remaining before enforcement of the U.S. DOT's electronic logging device begins, 60 percent of fleets running between 1 and 100 trucks have yet to adopt ELDs, according to a recent survey conducted by CarrierLists."
9. Truckers, as was reported on November 9, 2017, be aware of this kind of thing as autonomous vehicles become more plentiful:
When there's a match between man vs. machine, some say the machine wins!
10. On November 7, 2017, we read, "Bulldog Hiway Express, a Daseke company, has announced a driver-compensation program called Salary Plus that includes a guaranteed minimum salary of $1,000 a week in its flatbed division."
What would you think about
earning a "guaranteed minimum salary" every week, truckers?
11. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) reported on November 7, 2017, that during "September's Brake Safety Day inspection event... 1,064 vehicles were placed out of service due to brake-related violations" and "That amounted to 14% of the 7,698 vehicles inspected in the U.S. and Canada, which is a slightly higher rate of out of service violations than in the unannounced... event earlier this year, which put 12% of vehicles out of service for brake-related issues."
12. The most common causes of vehicle breakdowns, according to a November 7, 2017, article are tire problems.
Read the article for more details.
13. Also, read:
- this November 7, 2017, article to
learn "How should fleet vehicles be prepared for winter?"; and
- this November 6, 2017, article, which contains "tips from AAA" about driving in snow.
14. Mike and I wish all veterans a blessed Veterans Day.
If there are special discounts available to you for things that you need, we encourage you to take advantage of them.
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
Updated: Truck Driver Training Schools: Know This Before You Enroll
Truck driver training schools can help you begin your new truck driving career. Learn what you need to know about and what to look for in a
truck driver training school before you enroll.
Out of service made out great! (TVC Review)
I was on 81 south just below Hazelton, Pa. and the lights were flashing at a remote Dot stop, so I pulled down in. I had a previous level one inspection
Philly Cheese Steak Macaroni
1 box of large shells 2 jars of Ragu 3 cheese sauce 1 green pepper 1 red pepper 1 large onion thin sliced steak of your choice season your steak and
what is the difference between Cascadia 125 and 113 ? which one is better ?
am buying a
Freightliner Cascadia , saw there are 2 kinds one is 125 and the other 113 . is there a big difference between them ? can both do the same
Earn More, Save More
An October 18, 2017, article reported:
- "Interstate 5 at Fort Tejon has been down to only one lane for several hours..."; and
- "At one point drivers faced about a two-hour delay over the Grapevine."
If you had been caught in that backup, you may have lost 2 hours -- or about 18% -- of your available 11-hour driving shift that day.
Not only that, but perhaps you lost the opportunity to pick up another load that depended upon the timely delivery of the one you had.
Would you like to learn how you can start earning a second income from the cab of your
Vicki is pleased to announced that is live and you can now subscribe to get Second Income for Truckers Video Mini-Course for FREE!
Her SIFT Video Mini-Course is a lead-in to the paid Second Income for Truckers Report.
Learn more at
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We are now in the Christmas freight hauling season. Please exercise a little more patience with other drivers and allow a little extra distance between your truck
and other vehicles. A few seconds here and there may help you to avoid a very time-consuming, expensive, and life-changing accident.
If you are able to be home with your loved ones over Thanksgiving, please cherish that time together.
To all of our readers who are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road!
Best regards,
Mike and Vicki Simons, Owners
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It neither substitutes for professional advice nor negates user
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