Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips Email Newsletter
Issue #104, March 9, 2018
Featuring content from and supporting:
"Because truckers know that no trucker deserves to be stung financially."
- We provide real world tips that help professional truck drivers save hard-earned money and personal reporting about products and services for use on the road.
- We've developed our unique website as a place to share the tips we have learned through the years -- and where other professional drivers can do the same.
Table of Contents
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White trucks.
Important Notice
- We Passed The One Year Mark...
On February 9, 2018, we passed the one year mark on publishing TDMST Weekly Round-Up reports.
As you may know, this is curated content based upon what is going on in the trucking industry that has to do with professional truck drivers earning and saving money -- or having to spend more money -- in trucking.
Periodically, Vicki comments on or asks questions pertaining to truck accidents so that our readers can learn and not be involved in the same kinds of accidents themselves.
- Deduct Your Business
Now that a new tax law has been passed, it's more important than ever that you deduct every business expense you incur.
We personally use and recommend the service described in this free webinar:
How to Pay Less Taxes and Never Worry About an IRS Audit.
In numerous places throughout some of the TDMST Weekly Round-Up content, you'll see where we request a comment "below". These are references to the place on the page from which the content was taken, where comments may be left.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up:
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending February 17, 2018.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. A February 16, 2018, article addressed how certain ELDs can help some fleets with certain runs, know "exactly the amount of time the delivery took -- and if it's longer than it should be, the fleet now has documentation on detention."
According to the article, with ELD documentation in hand, "you can show your customer the problem and go about working
on a mutually beneficial solution -- putting the onus on the shipper to speed the unloading process or agreeing on adding detention time charges."
Documentation can also be made on the loading side of things, what with shortage, breakage, billing, taking photographs, etc.
Other functions can also be added -- or will be able to be added -- on some ELDs that can help truckers work more efficiently and get paid faster.
2. In a separate article published on February 13, 2018, we read:
"Trucking companies known for serving major harbors are not only raising prices, but also intending to charge port customers for excessive wait times and increasingly extended turn times at thriving terminals, JOC reported."
"Chad Boblett, Kentucky-based independent owner-operator and founder of the active Rate Per Mile Masters Facebook group for business discussion" was interviewed (in
part about detention) for a February 13, 2018, article. "In 2018, with the ELD mandate in play, 'it is now 100 percent OK to bring up detention before you get off the phone' with any broker, no matter the load's origin".
Another article stated -- regarding fleets offering pay increases -- that one "company is... adding in detention pay, worth $20 per hour for all qualifying loads."
It is unfortunate, though, that many fleets are still paying on the basis of cents per mile when truckers often perform tasks for which they are not paid.
In my opinion, there should be certain base rates for essential "services" including:
- fueling,
- performing inspections (pre- and post-trip),
- having maintenance done, and
- cleaning the equipment.
Perhaps you can think of other tasks that truckers do for which they should be
3. Have you ever worked to make sure that your truck is compliant with certain regulations and then the regulating agency gave more time to those who didn't make their trucks compliant to become so?
According to a February 15, 2018, article, that's an issue going on at the Port of Seattle. All these folks want is "a fully, fairly implemented" emissions rule.
Some of the "4,500 trucks that operate out of the port" can afford
- neither to upgrade their trucks to be compliant with the emissions rule,
- nor to buy a new truck that will automatically be compliant.
Yet, those who complied with the new emissions rule feel that they're being penalized because of the consequences of that compliance, because all of these cost money:
- lower fuel economy,
- the need to add DEF, and
- the added maintenance required for the new
According to the article, 47% of trucking companies operating out of the port failed to meet the emissions rule by January 1.
That raises two questions:
- What would happen if the port truly required all trucking companies to be compliant by January 1?
- If non-compliant trucks were prohibited from operating at the port, would there be enough trucks and truckers to fill their places?
4. A February 13, 2018, article states, "The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is currently at work installing new technology at several rest areas throughout the state to help truckers find safe parking along high volume freight corridors."
When will this technology -- and simply more truck parking -- be available in other states?
5. "U.S. Xpress... announced a new bonus program for current and prospective team drivers called
TeamMax, which rewards paired drivers with $50,000 in bonuses and up to four weeks of paid vacation within a single year", according to a February 15, 2018, article.
Wow! They sound desperate!
6. A February 15, 2018, article stated, "Georgia authorities are warning truck drivers to be on guard after a truck driver was robbed of hundreds of dollars by two armed suspects who broke into his truck while he was sleeping."
Actually, the article states that the truck was "accidentally left unlocked" when the trucker went to sleep. The trucker woke up to two people having climbed inside his truck and pointing a gun at his chest.
Besides taking about $900 in cash, the thieves took "one of [the trucker's] debit cards ... his whole wallet and his cell phone". The trucker also gave them his PIN number.
According to a different article, "Investigator Bryson said the men fled in a reddish 2015 Kia Sportage SUV." The original article said, "If you have information on the suspects, you're asked to call Bryson at 770-775-8216."
This situation is a classic example of why you must always lock your truck when you're both inside and outside. If you're going to carry cash with you, it is a good idea to split it up, so that in case there's a robbery, thieves can take only part of it.
7. A trucker performed a "hard braking maneuver" that triggered a "critical event report". However, he was vindicated by the dash cam recording that showed that his evasive maneuver saved two lives.
A four-wheeler passed the truck on a 2-lane road and would have hit head-on a vehicle just turning right into the opposing lane -- had it not been for the trucker slamming on his brakes.
I wonder how
well autonomous trucks will deal with situations like this. Hmm...
8. A February 14, 2018, article provided a bit of detail about the petition to the FMCSA that the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) has made, "to amend the existing federal Hours of Service regulations."
Todd Spencer, acting president and CEO of OOIDA, correctly pointed out that despite "more regulations and greater enforcement and compliance with those regulations... crash numbers are going in the wrong direction."
The "new approach" involves flexibility that is described in the article. Great idea!
9. "An annual report compiled by SensiGuard's Supply Chain Intelligence Center (SCIC) indicates that the number of recorded cargo thefts in the U.S. dropped to 649 in 2017, a 15% decline in volume from 2016...", according to a February 14, 2018, article.
10. One major trucking company once asserted (and possibly still does) that "every" truck accident is preventable. That assertion is simply not true.
According to a February 12, 2018, article, "A truck driver suffered [facial fractures and] a broken sternum when a man committed suicide by leaping off a bridge on Interstate 80" and crashed "through the windshield of [the] semi-truck".
Previously, we covered things that are thrown from overpasses, but we've never before heard of people leaping from an overpass.
Our condolences go to the family of the man who died. We also wish a speedy recovery to the trucker who was injured.
11. A new bridge in/near Murray, Kentucky, is being hailed as
providing safer roads and cost savings to truckers. According to a February 13, 2018, article, the new brdige will save Paschall Truck Lines "tens of thousands of dollars."
Speaking of helps for trucks, a February 14, 2018, article stated, "The Georgia Department of Transportation continues to advance plans to build the first toll-free, truck-only highway in the United States."
The goal of building this proposed highway -- estimated to be about 40 miles long and "built along Interstate 75 around the Atlanta area" -- is to reduce congestion, improve safety, and "reduce traffic delays on I-75 by 40% in 2030".
Hopefully, it will also "ease traffic... along Atlanta's 'Spaghetti Junction,' the intersection of Interstates 285 and 85 North, named the most congested freight bottleneck for three straight years".
12. Hurray
for one Illinois state trooper who posted the observations he made during his morning commute regarding safe driving.
He listed the speeds of passenger vehicles vs. the speeds of semi-tractor trailers:
- None of the passenger vehicles was going slower than 86 miles per hour; and
- None of the trucks were going faster than 70 mph.
In a Facebook post, he commented:
"I will let you make your own assumptions about what some of the primary causes of crashes on that stretch are. I'll give you one clue.....
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up:
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending February 24, 2018.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. According to a February 13, 2018, article, "The FMCSA is allowing owners of certain J.J. Keller and Associates brand Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) to use traditional paper logs to track their hours, instead of electronic logs, until the end of February" ["because of a software bug"]. ( no longer online)
As a reminder, Indiana State Attorney General asked for a delay in the implementation of the ELD mandate (at least in part) because of unproven units like this.
I find it particularly ironic that of all ELD manufacturers to have "a software bug", it is J.J. Keller, who markets itself as "Safety and regulatory compliance specialists since 1953". Hmm...
2. Are you still a bit fuzzy about "blockchain" being used in the trucking industry? A February 21, 2018, article describes its background and some "real-world use" examples.
Justin Bailie, president and co-founder of Canadian technology firm RoseRocket, stated, "It's a record of events, shared between multiple parties, and most importantly, once information is entered it can't be altered because the blockchain is permanent."
I personally see how with GPS tracking
and driver identification, the movement of freight will become part of blockchain, such that truckers delayed at a shipper or receiver will be able to prove detention and therefore be able to demand waiting pay.
3. The author of a February 21, 2018, article wrote, "My own company policy now is to reimburse the cost of paid parking to any of my drivers that see it more convenient to do so on their own accord just by simply turning in their receipts."
Hurray! Would that more trucking companies would do this!
With the new tax law, it is my understanding that company drivers will not be able to deduct the cost of certain expenses like paid parking. So, trucking companies should protect the investment in their trucks by providing this. Just saying...
4. On February 21, 2018, an article revealed that owner-
operator Phil Killerlain -- who is "totally opposed to the ELD mandate" -- "believes the next big step up in rates [in the transportation industry] is already happening now, in mid-February. Owner-operators have become more selective.... They're shunning shippers and receivers that take too long to load and unload."
Killerlain further predicted that "large shippers will prefer to partner with fleets that can support drop-and-hook trailer operations. Other shippers will wind up paying more, adjusting service level requirements, or changing dock practices."
5. Will "Artificial Intelligence" (or "AI") "help improve 'the workplace experience' [within] the logistics/transportation sector"?
According to a survey described in a February 21, 2018, article, certain statistics reveal that "of nearly 3,000 employees across eight nations", they would "welcome AI if it
simplified or automated time-consuming internal processes (64%), helped better balance their workload (64%), increased fairness in subjective decisions (62%), or ensured managers made better choices affecting individual employees (57%)."
6. I read in a February 19, 2018, article that "Triple T Transport, a third-party logistics and transportation management firm, has gone live with Smart Capacity, a next-generation freight matching and carrier connectivity platform from Trucker Tools." The title of the article called it "predictive freight matching tech".
Darin Puppel, president of the Columbus, Ohio-based Triple T, was quoted as saying, "We have always wanted to be able to map our carriers more efficiently, and know in real time where as many of them are at any point" and "We found Smart Capacity to be a proven, effective platform that delivered these capabilities and that we could
quickly implement."
I look forward to learning how this and other similar technology works.
7. A February 22, 2018, article covers the implementation of tolls on "currently free interstates". University researchers, Michael Belzer and Peter Swan, published a study in 2007 on "the total impact of toll increases on freight traffic, on alternate highways, and on the overall economy."
"Belzer and Swan discuss competition between privately operated toll roads and parallel public roads. Private toll road operators don't like attractive alternate routes. Some tolling lease agreements, they say, have included noncompete clauses that can prevent the government from upgrading parallel roads." The article says that New Jersey is one state where commercial traffic is restricted on "alternate routes" other than the turnpike.
The author of the article states, "While any plan is
better than no plan, an infrastructure proposal that relies on tolls could make things more expensive, disproportionately more expensive for trucking."
One of the things that concerns me is about tolls is states collecting them but using the money for projects other than road maintenance and improvement.
- According to an August 10, 2016, article, "A federal judge on Wednesday said the New York State Thruway Authority's practice of diverting toll revenue it collects from commercial truckers to maintain upstate canals is unconstitutional."
- According to a February 16, 2018, article,
"'Over the last four years alone [Connecticut] Gov. Malloy and legislative Democrats took $164 million from the state's Special Transportation Fund to balance their budgets,' Sen. Len Fasano, R-North Haven, said in prepared remarks. 'Gov. Malloy then authorized a transportation spending plan he knew couldn't be
supported by the fund.'"
Meanwhile, "The Georgia Department of Transportation is currently in the planning stages for trucks-only lanes south of Atlanta on I-75, which the state says are intended to reduce freight congestion around the city", according to a February 21, 2018, article. According to Natalie Dale, media and government relations liaison for GDOT, "while GDOT is still in the pre-project stage right now, the idea is to have two northbound dedicated trucks-only lanes, non-tolled, separated by a concrete barrier. Southbound lanes could be added in the future."
Perhaps things have improved in West Virginia since I rode full-time with my husband Mike (when he was a regional truck driver). The last time he drove a truck on the turnpike in that state, I observed how rough the road was and commented out loud, "We're paying for this!"
In my opinion, toll roads should be the best roads to
drive on, period.
8. A guest column on published on February 22, 2018, is entitled, "Unjustly Underpaid: Why Paying Truckers By The Mile Needs To Stop".
This paragraph summarizes the problem: "Imagine being confined to an office cubicle for hours on end without any compensation for your time. If office workers were forced to provide unpaid hours there would be an uproar (likely followed by a large FLSA lawsuit). Yet, truckers are expected to sit in their cabs (the equivalent of an office) without any pay if miles aren't being driven."
Truckers' pay structure -- throughout the trucking industry -- definitely needs to include payment for all time they are waiting to drive and for doing non-driving trucking-related tasks.
9. This week, I have read articles about totally preventable fatalities involving truckers:
- On February 22, 2018,
this: "Truck driver who was online shopping pleads guilty to manslaughter in fatal crash";
- On February 22, 2018, this: "A section of electrical conduit fell from the roof of a Pennsylvania Turnpike tunnel [Lehigh Tunnel], crashed through a windshield of a truck and struck the driver in the head, killing him, police said"; and
- On February 20, 2018, this: "The United States Postal Inspection Service is offering a reward of up to $50,000 for anyone who has information" about a postal truck driver who was shot to death at about 2 a.m. on I-30 and Beckley Avenue in Dallas, Texas.
Our condolences go to the families of those who were killed.
10. Supposedly, a "lost truck driver" -- who claimed he was "following his GPS" drove his 30-ton truck onto -- and collapsed -- a 3-
ton bridge on a county road in Cullman, Alabama. I wrote to the author of the original article from which this February 23, 2018, article ( no longer online)
The first of 3 questions I asked was if the GPS unit being followed was specifically for commercial motor vehicles (CMVs). I look forward to hearing back.
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up: 2018.03.03
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending March 3, 2018.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. A February 27, 2018, article reported the survey results of nearly 2,000 owner-operators published by OOIDA Foundation:
"When professional truck drivers were asked how the ELD mandate was affecting safety so far, 79 percent stated it was decreasing safety overall, 75 percent reported feeling more pressured to speed, 72 percent said they felt more fatigued, and 44 percent said they felt more harassed, according to the Foundation's analysis."
Two other points covered were:
- the percentage of respondents who had not yet "purchased and installed an ELD in their truck": 35%; and
- the "real-world
costs" of ELD use based on early results may be even higher than what the FMCSA predicted.
According to a February 28, 2018, article:
- "53 percent of those who had purchased an ELD were required to pay an initial upfront cost";
- "55 percent of those who had purchased a device were required to pay a monthly fee"; and
- "participants estimated that ELDs would decrease their annual income by a median of $25,000 due to missed loads and delays".
2. A class-action lawsuit filed against XPO Logistics on February 26, 2018, claims that the company:
- "used a deliberate scheme to misclassify their truck drivers as independent contractors"; and
- "failed to pay minimum wage, wages for missed meal periods, wages for missed rest periods, and reimbursements for business expenses".
3. Practice common
sense and don't do this...
"On Tuesday, February 27, the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reported that they had rescued an unidentified truck driver near Cortland in Jackson County after he drove for a mile through deep flood waters", according to a March 1, 2018, article.
4. Did you read the February 27, 2018, article about the White House report that implies that "trucking doesn't pay enough for highways"?
It states that President Trump's Administration stance is "that tolling should be a prime mechanism for boosting highway funding."
If you disagree with that, let your voice be heard.
5. And speaking of letting your voice be heard, Allen Smith of said on February 27, 2018:
"Tell Congress to Remove
Section 134 of the House T-HUD Appropriations bill in the final spending package."
The article states: "This is the 4th time the ATA has attempted since 2015 to get this language in a bill for the sole purpose of ensuring truckers will not be paid for anything more than their piece work wages, such as cents per mile."
Furthermore, "It is about preempting states rights and states' labor laws which prevent carriers from exploiting their drivers."
6. It sounds like a great service management platform, but I am frustrated as to why the Volvo ASIST mobile app is named that.
I infer from the spelling that ASIST is an acronym that stands for something. But what?
Neither the March 1, 2018, article announcing the app release, nor the Volvo website, nor the listing of the Android app say what the acronym stands for. Hmm...
7. In a February 27, 2018, article about the enforcement of the ELD mandate taking place on April 1, the CVSA director of roadside inspection program had this to say:
"...the regulation requires the following information to be available in the cab: a user manual describing how to use the ELD; an instruction sheet for producing and transferring data; an instruction sheet for reporting malfunctions and record-keeping procedures during malfunctions; and a supply of blank records of duty status for recording hours of service for at least 8 days. Any of this information can be in electronic form."
This is important because truck drivers can be put out-of-service for any and all of the reasons listed in the article. Being put out-of-service can be costly, and so can any associated fines.
States have been busy:
- In Connecticut, while the governor "proposed an increase in fuel taxes and tolls to pay for transportation" and the state's DOT agreed, "some state lawmakers are opposed to more taxes, including tolls." (reference)
- "The Ohio DOT is proposing to close a rest area located at the 3.6 milemarker on I-77 Northbound in Washington County." (reference)
9. A February 28, 2018, poll on asked,
"Which service would you most like to see if rest areas were commercialized?"
Of 382 votes (as of 3/2/2018), 198 votes (51.83%) were in favor of "more parking".
10. Could electronic logging devices (ELDs) "make it easier for plaintiff lawyers to utilize powerful 'reptile' tactics to win over juries and obtain
unfairly large awards"?
A March 2, 2018, article defines "reptile tactics" and states that two attorneys "suggest that ELD data used in court cases may hurt smaller trucking firms more than larger ones."
If you're an owner-operator, you may wish to review your insurance policy with your agent to make sure you're covered.
11. Our heartiests congratulations go to:
- YRC Freight driver Bobby Elrod, who has driven five million consecutive miles without having any accidents (reference); and
- Bryan Smith, who "is one of three finalists for the 2017 Owner-Operator of the Year award" (reference).
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
From the TDMST Weekly Round-Up: 2018.03.10
This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending March 10, 2018.
We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.
1. In a March 5, 2018, article about solving the detention problem, we read:
...Companies are paying detention fees but are not bothering to look into the details of those fees and
sharing what they are finding. If they made detention and appointment scheduling one of their Key Performance Indicators (KPI) they would then have to review what their operation is doing in terms of quickly getting drivers in and out during the loading and unloading process.
Reviewing the detention KPI on a monthly basis would make it clear how many times the company is successful in getting the driver in and out on time and where they are falling short. Then they could dive into the details on those instances when detention exceeded the limit they had set. ...
Solving detention problems will result in cost savings, smoother loading and unloading, and happier drivers. That's a winning combination.
I look forward to reading about how trucking companies will be standing up for their drivers in this regard.
2. Big news in the northeastern USA this week were the truck travel bans put in place due to a winter
- A travel ban was issued in Pennsylvania and New York;
- Truckers were left stranded, some at a Pilot Travel Center which was described as "packed in tight" and "packed in like sardines";
- Truckers hunkered down and waited out the storm, the latter article of which said, "Truckers we talked to say the money lost is worth the safety";
- Truckers were upset over the ban; and
- 65 truckers who violated the ban were ticketed, even though they claimed they didn't know about it.
When there is inclement weather, be looking for potential travel bans. Stay in touch with your
trucking company and let them know if you have to shut down. No load is worth your life.
3. In the "I Can't Believe You Did That, Trucker" Department were these articles:
- A trucker who "failed to maintain his lane" and consequently overturned his rig along I-10 in Okaloosa County, Florida, spilled "nearly 60,000 pounds of beer onto the highway" at 2:40 a.m.
This makes me wonder if the trucker was drowsy -- and if so, why he didn't take a break.
- When a "train collided with a truck carrying hydrochloric acid in Centerville, Pennsylvania" on March 6, 2018, "Hazmat crews were sent to the crash scene ... to stop 4,400 gallons of [the] acid from reaching the nearby Monongahela River".
Eleven people, including the trucker, were injured and nearby homes were evacuated.
Although the
article says that that "the cause of the crash was unclear", there is only one way for a moving train to hit a truck -- and that is if the truck is on the tracks.
- A truck driver who struck "a low overpass in Philadelphia" on March 5, 2018, and stripped "most of the roof and the back door off of the big rig" ended up "dragging the 50 foot pieces ... behind him and waking up dozens of people with the noise." According to the article, damage could have been done to other cars and property in the trucker's wake.
- A car hauler hauling brand new "Bentleys, Maseratis and Porsches" failed to make it "under the Lower Beech Street bridge in Wilmington, Delaware", according to a March 5, 2018, article.
The first questions that came to my mind were, "How low is the bridge?" and "Is the bridge clearance clearly marked?" These
questions were not answered in the article.
However, just from the info in the article, my husband Mike was able to find -- in about 5 minutes -- a street level view image on Google Maps clearly showing on the sign on the side of the road that the Beech Street low clearance (as of September 2017) is marked at 12'6" (12 feet, 6 inches).
Regardless of what the trucker thought, this overpass is clearly lower than a 13'6" truck can go under.

4. Allen Smith covered a couple of different aspects of the Underride Guard Mandate topic on
- A Counterargument to Industry Opposition; and
- Unknown facts about underride crashes and prevention.
One of my concerns is how these underride guard mandates will affect aerodynamic aids like side skirts and the under carriage units.
5. Here's one big "oops" for autonomous trucks:
"The world's first completely driverless semi truck came to a stop in the middle of a Florida highway during its test run last month after the headquarters controlling the vehicle lost power", according to a March 8, 2018, article.
Remember the October 2017 crash that happened in California when a trucker "fell asleep" during stopped traffic, and even after the traffic around him started moving again, a bus crashed into the truck at a high rate of speed? Yes, the
trucker in that crash had some violations on his log book for which he is being held responsible.
But what happens when a "driverless" truck stops in the middle of the road? Who is going to be held responsible if there is a similar fatal crash sometime in the future?
6. On March 6, 2018, published an article entitled, "Collision mitigation, air disc brakes now standard on new Cascadia".
While I am in favor of preventing accidents, my concern with having "collision mitigation" technology installed on any vehicle is its potential ability to "take away" control of the vehicle from the human in the driver's seat.
I would like to see objective tests set up that assure me of the safety of such a system. Perhaps professional truck drivers could design a series of "real-life scenarios" when a collision is in the making and where measurements could be taken on
both a human and the system -- including where a human might attempt to take corrective or evasive action. Then, I would like to see those results made available in a whitepaper in easy-to-understand wording (not technical jargon).
Just saying...
My husband Mike and I wish you -- and all professional truck drivers -- safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
Detention Policies Need to Change in 2018
Chad Boblett is the owner and driver of Boblett Brothers Trucking of Lexington, KY. Chad also founded the Rate Per Mile Masters group on Facebook, a communications
ELDs Add to Pressure on Driver Pay and
Truckload Costs
Shippers are already paying more, sometimes a lot more, to move freight, and driver compensation will soon follow that upward trajectory, as relationships
Courtesy or Money Saving?
I've seen trucks with what looks like fringe over their trailer wheels. What is that fringe called and what purpose does it serve? Terry ----- Response
Seeking interior, non idle, truck comfort
I have an '09 T660, 550 ISX, with a 72 flattop aero cab. I've been researching options but would enjoy detailed reviews on the long term best, easily transferable,
More, Save More
In what must have been a terrifying experience for the trucker, we read in a March 2, 2018, article that "High winds along the I-5 in California almost blew off a semi-truck over a guardrail onto the traffic below Thursday afternoon."
Not only was the semi-truck "left hanging off the overpass on Interstate 5 at the Interstate 580 flyover for hours", but the interstate "was closed for hours while crews worked to remove the truck."
Don't you wish that there was a way that you could be earning money when you can't drive because of situations like this? Or when you're shut down due to winter weather?
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The official start of spring is a little over a week away (March 20). Whether you're driving in an area of the country that is warm or cold, be aware that at this time of year, some people:
- may have their minds on other things; and/or
- may be afflicted with one or more seasonal respiratory distresses.
Be on the lookout for distracted driving -- both your own and that of others.
To all of our readers who
are professional truck drivers, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road!
Best regards,
Mike and Vicki Simons, Owners
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All information on this site and in this email newsletter is intended for
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It neither substitutes for professional advice nor negates user
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