Restaurant Review Ta New Jersey Paulsboro 2

This “Restaurant Review TA New Jersey Paulsboro 2″ is a review of the restaurant at the TA (TravelCenters of America) in Paulsboro, NJ, USA, submitted by a professional truck driver.

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First Name: Kathy
Last Name: Huffman
Country: United States
You are a/an…: Company Driver
How many total years of professional driving experience do you have?: 17
What is the name and location of the truck stop restaurant you are reviewing?: Travel Centers of America Buckhorn Family Restaurant Paulsboro New Jersey
On what date did you have a meal at this truck stop restaurant (month, day, year)?: 02/10/14
What meal did you eat at this truck stop restaurant?: Breakfast
How long was your wait for someone to take your order?: Less than 2 minutes
What entrees (or main dishes) did you eat?: none
What fruits and/or vegetables did you eat?: none
What soup or salad did you eat?: none
What bread did you eat?: none
What dessert did you eat?: none
If you ordered a custom meal from the menu, what was it and did it arrive as ordered?: Eggs over medium well done hash browns sausage links
What did you have to drink (hot or cold)?: water
Was your food at the right temperature?: Too cold
What, if anything, did you specifically want to eat (on bars or menu) that was not available?:
How would you rate the cleanliness of the restaurant and your table?: Just OK
How attentive was your waiter or waitress?: Disappointing
How was the atmosphere in the room?: Temperature just right, Lights just right
How comfortable was your table and chair/bench?: Somewhat comfortable


Restaurant Review TA New Jersey Paulsboro 2: Evaluation

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DAT TruckersEdge - Most Loads. Best Rates. Serving Owner-Operators Since 1978. 10% off your first 12 months. New customers only.

Do you feel that the value of the food and service for this truck stop restaurant experience was worth what you paid for it?: No
Based on your personal expectations, what grade would you give to this restaurant experience today (A+ is best; F- is worst)?: F-
Additional comments:: sat there and watched the cook out on the floor with waitress and generally BS’ing around watched for 15 minutes when he went back to kitchen took 5 minutes to get crappy food which I didn’t eat


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