TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.06.24

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.06.24 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending June 24, 2023, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding I-95 bridge and CBBT:

I-95 bridge

In last week’s TDMST Weekly Round-Up, I wondered why it was going to take 2 months to rebuild the bridge over I-95, when a bridge that collapsed along I-5 in California years ago — and due to an earthquake — had been rebuilt in about 3 weeks.

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I am glad to see that folks in charge took appropriate action and the I-95 bridge is/was slated to be rebuilt in around 2 weeks.

Is everything moving smoothly up there?

Please comment through the form below.


What led up to this crash off the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel?

How can we prevent crashes off this structure from happening again?

2. Regarding braking, broker, politics, and ports:


Here we go again!

Some of the articles in this section have to do with a “mandate” of “Automatic Emergency Braking” (or AEB) technology in large trucks.

While I know that some large truck crashes are due to poorly maintained brakes, I think it is wrong to insist that all large trucks have AEB devices installed on them.

I disagree with installing AEB devices on trucks to try to prevent crashes with non-trucks, because it has been proven that the majority of large truck crashes involving other vehicles are the fault of the non-trucker.

Furthermore, if there is a device that “automatically” does something outside a driver’s control, I believe that that can lead to unforeseen technological problems.

For example, let’s say that a truck with an AEB device ends up automatically braking at the wrong time when a trucker is navigating wet or snowy/icy roads and it leads to a jackknifing situation that the trucker would have been able to avoid.


If you agree with me on this, please contact your elected officials and let them know.




3. Regarding crashes, crash – distracted driving, distracted driving, crash – right of way, and fatalities:


Crash – distracted driving

Remember that you are paid to safely drive your truck, not do the things that distract you.

Distracted driving

Read the article to see what will be forbidden and the penalties that will assessed if one is found breaking the law.

Crash – right of way

Truckers should not be paranoid about driving, but should be aware of others not yielding the right of way, so as to try to avoid a crash if at all possible.

We extend our deep sympathy and offer our condolences to the families of those who died as a result of these crashes.


We extend our deep sympathy and offer our condolences to the families of those who died as a result of these crashes.

4. Regarding autonomous vehicles, batteries, electric vehicles, and emissions:

Autonomous vehicles

I totally disapprove of self-driving, driverless, or autonomous commercial motor vehicles being operated on the same roads as the motoring public, but share these articles as a courtesy to help you stay current on the subject.


If you’re considering buying an electric commercial motor vehicle, please see this short video first.

Electric vehicles

Please do your due diligence before buying any electric CMV.


5. Regarding fuel, fuel – politics, fuel – price gouging, and mpg:


Fuel – politics

Fuel – price gouging


I wish that the articles had actually stated “which” fuel the truck was using.

Was it diesel?

6. Regarding abandoned, drugs, and smuggling:


I hope that the trucker is OK and that there has been no foul play, death, or severe illness.

For truckers without an emergency, it is never appropriate to just drop a trailer and let perishable food spoil!


Never, ever agree to haul illegal drugs, no matter how big of an incentive you are offered.


Never ever agree to transport human beings made in the image of God like they are cattle or cargo, no matter how large of a reward you are offered.

7. Regarding business, costs, economy, inflation, pay, pricing, rates, and UCR fees:



On Wednesday, June 21, 2023, we received an email from ATRI with this subject line — “ATRI’s Newest Operational Costs Research Details Spikes in Equipment, Wage, and Total Costs in Trucking” — which said in the second paragraph:

Total marginal costs climbed to a new high in 2022 for the second year in a row, increasing by 21.3 percent over 2021 to $2.251 per mile. Though fuel was the largest driver of this spike (53.7% higher than in 2021), multiple other line-items also rose by double digits. Driver wages increased by 15.5 percent, to $0.724 per mile, reflecting the ongoing industry effort to attract and retain drivers. Driver benefits, however, remained stable in 2022.

Here are other articles on this topic:






UCR fees

8. Regarding classifications, employment, employment – record, testing, and training:



Employment – record




9. Regarding maintenance, operations, parking, recalls, and towing:





If a recall has been issued for your tractor or trailer and you have not yet had the work done, please attend to that as soon as you can.


10. Regarding AB5, HOS, health, injuries, insurance, marijuana, move over, safety, and speed:







Move over



11. Regarding strike, supply chain, technology, and theft:


Supply chain



12. Regarding awards, championship, and recognition:


Congratulations to all professional truck drivers who have demonstrated skill, achieved a milestone, or been rewarded in some way.


If you consider yourself to be skilled at driving a commercial motor vehicle, please consider entering a truck driving championship.


We recognize those truckers who helped out their fellow human beings in a time of need, as well as others who helped out truckers in need.

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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