TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.07.22

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.07.22 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending July 22, 2023, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding Teamsters and Yellow:

There is quite a bit of tension in the trucking industry right now regarding the Teamsters, UPS, and Yellow.

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Please keep your eyes open regarding this frail situation and be prepared to pivot, if necessary.



According to How Yellow bankruptcy could slam trucking:

Yellow Corp. (NASDAQ: YELL) has failed to make its required pension contributions for June and is planning to withhold payments for July. The pension funds, pension accruals and health care coverage for workers will suspend on Sunday, according to a statement by the Teamsters.

The Teamsters union has threatened to strike by Monday if this is not resolved and the pension contributions remain in default. The company owes $50 million, a large sum for a company in financial distress. Yellow currently has in excess of $100 million in cash reserves, according to an 8-K filed on July 7.

According to VIDEO: Driver who says he worked for Yellow for 30 years loses it over hearing his pension could be gone:

Heartbreaking video shows a driver releasing his frustration after learning that his pension is at risk amidst trucking company Yellow Corp.’s financial woes.

On July 15, Yellow withheld pension and healthcare payments totaling $50 million and now will be booted out of the Central States Pension Fund on July 23, according to The Hill. Teamsters are threatening to strike July 24 in response. Yellow says that they plan to pay the pension fund as soon as they can secure financing.

Here are other articles on this topic:

2. Regarding ports and strike:



According to Non-FedEx shippers may lose out if strike occurs at UPS, consultant says:

Shippers that don’t have existing relationships with FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) may find it difficult to arrange for FedEx to handle their shipments in the event the Teamsters union strikes UPS Inc. (NYSE: UPS) starting Aug. 1, a consultant said Wednesday.

Other articles on this topic include:

3. Regarding costs, earnings, economy, rates, and tolls:



I have broken out the articles in this section separately from those in the “Economy” section below to show that even some established trucking companies are experiencing financial turmoil right now.




4. Regarding autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, emissions, and fuel:

Autonomous vehicles

I am totally opposed to driverless, autonomous, or self-driving commercial motor vehicles being operated on the same roads as the motoring public, but share these articles to help you stay current on the topic.

I see this article Kodiak Robotics’ autonomous rigs allowed to pre-clear roadside inspections as potentially letting autonomous trucks “slide” in ways that trucks driven by humans cannot.

Electric vehicles

According to this article, EV Owners Cautioned About Potential Disruption to Summer Travel Plans:

With the hottest weeks of summer upon us and the nearly record-breaking temperatures sizzling across the Southwest this week, electric vehicle (EV) owners are being advised to adjust recharging habits or risk long-term damage to their cars’ batteries.

According to a recent Los Angeles Times article, “Electric vehicles, great for combating climate change, don’t do well in extreme heat. It’s a paradox being thrown into relief as multiple U.S. states bake under heat waves that are becoming more frequent and more intense.”

While the article does not address commercial motor vehicles, this caution is another reason why it pays to do your due diligence regarding buying an electric CMV.



5. Regarding crashes and fatalities:


Please review the articles in this section to see if there is anything you can learn to help prevent a large truck crash.


We express our deep sympathy — and offer our condolences — to the families of those whose loved ones died in these crashes.

Based on what’s in these articles, is there anything you can learn about how to prevent a fatal large truck crash?

6. Regarding employment, pay, satisfaction, and securement:


The subtitle of this article, Thinking about getting into trucking? Now is not the time is:

“One of toughest markets in a long time for independent contractors.”




Ensure that you secure your load properly.

7. Regarding fines, inspections, and insurance:



If you keep yourself and your rig in perpetual readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.


8. Regarding infrastructure, legal, and politics:




9. Regarding deliveries, and operations:


One gigantic problem associated with the idea of “free delivery” is that a professional truck driver’s work is not worth much or anything.

There always has to be a way to pay for services rendered.

So, if there is “free shipping,” most likely, the cost of the item being shipped is more expensive than it otherwise might have been, in order to cover the cost.

Just saying.


Please make sure that all of your truck driving operations are appropriate, safe, and legal.

10. Regarding parts, safety, side underride guards, and speed limiters:



Side underride guards

Speed limiters

11. Regarding technology and theft:


Unless AI (Artificial Intelligence) is stopped, I anticipate that over time, more and more of it will be used to “spy” on people and report them if they do something the least bit out-of-line.


You may wish to consult with your driver manager regarding the best ways to secure your tractor, trailer, and cargo on-board against theft.

12. Regarding awards and recognition:


We congratulate all professional truck drivers who have been recognized for their skill on the job.


We recognize and express our appreciate to the professional truck drivers who help out their fellow human beings in a time of need.

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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