TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.05.13

This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending May 13, 2023.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding Side Underride Guards, ATRI, inspections, maintenance, safety, and securement: Side Underride Guards

If you feel strongly about “side underride guards” on trucks, please take action on this:

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An Advance Notice of Proposed RuleMaking (ANPRM) has been issued for Side Underride Guards.

It was posted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on April 21, 2023.


This ANPRM responds to Section 23011(c) of the November 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), commonly referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), which directs the Secretary to conduct research on side underride guards to better understand their overall effectiveness, and assess the feasibility, benefits, costs, and other impacts of installing side underride guards on trailers and semitrailers.

The BIL further directs the Secretary to report the findings of the research in a Federal Register notice to seek public comment.

In addition, this ANPRM also responds to a petition for rulemaking from Ms. Marianne Karth and the Truck Safety Coalition (TSC).


You should submit your comments early enough to ensure that the docket receives them not later than June 20, 2023.


According to the email that we received from the American Transportation Research Institute on Monday, May 8, 2023:

The 2023 ATRI top research priorities are:

Expanding Truck Parking at Public Rest Areas. The lack of available truck parking is perennially ranked by drivers as their top concern. This research will identify and map truck driver needs to rest stop attributes, develop best practice case studies and utilize truck driver data to identify strategies for expanding truck parking capacity available at public rest areas.

Identifying Barriers to Entry for Female Truck Drivers. Female truck drivers represent less than 10 percent of the truck driver workforce, yet ATRI research documents that female drivers are safer than their male counterparts. This research will identify gender issues and proactive steps that the industry can take to make truck driving careers more appealing to women.

Complete Streets Impact on Freight Mobility. Complete Streets is a U.S. DOT program designed to make transportation accessible for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists and transit riders. However, planning decisions to deploy complete streets often negatively impact freight transportation and those who rely on truck-delivered goods. This study will quantify these impacts and recommend approaches for transportation planners to better facilitate freight movement.

Examining the Diesel Technician Shortage. The industry’s challenges in recruiting and retaining technicians is often cited as being as critical as the driver shortage. This research will work with government and industry to identify the factors underlying the shortage, including mapping career attributes to workforce needs, and assessing high school-level vocational training availability, industry recruitment practices and competing career opportunities.

The Cost of Driver Detention. Truck drivers and motor carriers consistently rank driver detention at customer facilities as a top industry concern. This research, supported by shipper groups, will include quantitative data collection to identify detention impacts, costs, and strategies for minimizing detention.

Of these five, I am most interested in the cost of driver detention.

The research on the cost of detention was done in the past, but I am not able to find a link to it on their website.

It will be interesting to see how the cost of detention has fallen or risen since the last study was done.


If you keep yourself and your rig in a perpetual state of readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.




No matter what you haul — or on/in what kind of trailer — your cargo has to be secured.

If you have not been provided with instructions and training on how to properly secure your load, ask for it!

You as the driver are the one whose job and livelihood are on the line if you don’t secure your load properly.

2. Regarding AB5, HOS, operations, and vaccines:



I find it both funny and sad that the FMCSA reported that the results of the 2020 changes to the Hours of Service regulation are “inconclusive.”

In my opinion, there were too many variables at play.

It is also possible that government officials purposedly added other variables in the mix to keep from owning up to the fact that the 2020 HOS rules hurt truckers (compared to previous HOS rules).

What do you think?

Please comment through the form below.


Lest someone tell you that large truck crashes are always the fault of the truck driver…


In my opinion, the jabs should never have been required to begin with.

Boost your God-given immune system.

And note to the government: stop funding “g@in of funct!0n” research!

3. Regarding fuel, hydrogen, hypertruck, and Run on Less:




Run On Less

4. Regarding autonomous vehicles, decarbonization, electric vehicles, and emissions:

Autonomous Vehicles

I totally oppose the operation of self-driving, driverless, or autonomous commercial motor vehicles on the same roads as the motoring public, but share these articles to keep you up-to-date about the topic.


We have to have carbon to live, so why are we so concerned about “de-carbon-izing” the planet?

Electric Vehicles


Be careful about jumping on-board the “zero emissions” bandwagon, because whatever replaces petroleum-fuel vehicles may be dirtier yet!

5. Regarding business, employment, insurance, pay, retention, and shortage:




It doesn’t hurt to “shop around” for insurance every couple of years.

Furthermore, it doesn’t hurt to form a relationship with an insurance “broker” who can shop around for insurance for you.


The posting of these articles is not an endorsement of any of the companies mentioned.



It has been said over and over again that there is no such thing as a truck driver shortage, meaning that there are plenty of people who have valid CDLs, but that there is a trucker retention problem.

6. Regarding accidents, fatalities, smuggling, and theft:


Please learn what you can from the articles listed below so that you can avoid being involved in a similar accident yourself.


We express our deepest sympathy and extend our condolences to the families who lost a loved one as reported in the articles below.

Please learn what you can from these articles so that you are not set up to be in a similar situation yourself.


Never ever treat human beings like they are cargo or cattle — no matter how much incentive you’ve been offered.


I’m glad to read of a bust of a cargo theft ring!

7. Regarding discrimination, parking, and want to be a trucker:



Want to be a Trucker

8. Regarding speed limiter, supply chain, and technology:

Speed Limiter

In an online action alert against speed limiters, the last paragraph of my feedback was as follows:

Again, I urge you to cosponsor H.R. 3039 and support its passage because:
– there is no provision in The Constitution for limiting trucks’ speed;
– limiting trucks’ speed will negatively impact highway safety;
– limiting trucks’ speed will negatively impact driver retention;
– limiting trucks’ speed will negatively impact supply chain efficiency; and
– speed limits set and enforced by the states are already in place and are in keeping with the limitations of The Constitution and the Tenth Amendment.

If you feel strongly about this topic, please send your feedback.

Supply Chain


9. Regarding containers, ports, recalls, road rage, and trailers:




Road Rage


Read the article about the limitations.

10. Regarding economy, taxes, fraud, and future:




Please stand firm against fraud.


11. Regarding distracted driving, violations, and violence:

Distracted Driving



Legal award

12. Regarding awards:


We extend our heartiest congratulations to the truckers who were recognized for their safety achievement or skill!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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