Fifth Wheel Grease

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Ask Your Truck Drivers Money Saving Questions Herehow often should you re-grease it under exstreame dirt road conditions

Response from Vicki:


DAT TruckersEdge - Most Loads. Best Rates. Serving Owner-Operators Since 1978. 10% off your first 12 months. New customers only.

Thank you for asking a question.

Because we are neither equipment manufacturers nor manufacturers of fifth wheel grease, we are unable to answer your question about how often to re-grease a fifth wheel under extreme road conditions.

However, we are publishing your question with the hope that someone who has more experience in this area of trucking will respond.

Along related lines, among the products that we ask for truckers to review on our site is a fifth wheel lubricant that is said to last longer than fifth wheel grease.

We have never used this product but assume from its presence in many truck stops that it must be popular.

According to information on the label of this fifth wheel lubricant, dry fifth wheels are a major cause of equipment damage and one operational problem. Based on this, our questions are:

* Does anyone have verification of the cause-and-effect sequence of failing to keep a fifth wheel lubricated?

* Does anyone know the cost(s) associated with not keeping a fifth wheel properly lubricated?

If anyone has an answer for this person’s question about how often to grease a fifth wheel under extreme dirt road conditions, please feel free to respond.

If you have answers to our other questions, we would appreciate those, too.

Thanks in advance.

For both Mike and me, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

Best regards,
Vicki Simons