When Must Truckers Absolutely Refuse to Drive a Truck?
There are at least two times when a professional truck driver must refuse to drive a truck.
In this video, Vicki Simons of Truck-Drivers-Money-Saving-Tips.com will be sharing
- two examples of truckers who refused to drive and why;
- what happened as a result; and
- why these situations are important to you.
Did you know that your truck and trailer can be inspected at any time, not just during CVSA inspections?
Wise truckers understand
- The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Rules and Regulations; and
- The Surface Transportation Assistance Act (STAA) 49 U.S.C. §31105 (especially the whistleblower law).
Although truckers may lose money by out-of-servicing poorly maintained equipment, many adverse things may be avoided by standing firm to make sure the equipment gets the service or repair it needs.
Truckers refusing to drive in dangerous driving conditions may have standing under the STAA.
Sometimes trucking companies ask truckers to violate the law or safety. However, each professional truck driver is responsible for the operation of the truck entrusted to his/her care. If it is dangerous to drive or unsafe to drive, then driving should not be attempted.
Be on your guard against unsafe working conditions.
Money saving tip: Never drive a truck when something on it is illegal or out of compliance.
If you take a rig out on the road that you know is not safe and legal — and you are involved in an accident — not only could you lose your job, you could also lose your trucking career — or your life!
If you are asked to do something illegal or unsafe on the job, mention this to your supervisor.
If he or she will not listen to you, you may wish to pursue the matter one management level up.
If you are being asked to do something unsafe, you may wish to appeal to your trucking company’s Safety Director.
Remember, you as the professional truck driver are the person who is going to be driving the truck, taking the load, navigating the highways, etc.
Make sure your rig is safe, legal and in compliance. And make sure that it is safe to drive.
Don’t risk your life, your CDL, your career — or get stung financially — just because you feel intimidated.
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