By: Alli,
Lubbock, TX
Yes, indeed, it is lemon juice that adds the tang! For every cup of mixed crab salad, add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice (not the reaLemon nastiness… get the yellow lemon-shaped fresh squeezed lemon juice from the produce section in your grocery store, and keep it refrigerated. WELL WORTH THE EXTRA 50 CENTS).
Response from Vicki:
Alli, thank you so much for sharing the “secret” to tangy crab salad. This is a worthwhile addition to our food and recipes page.
This makes me wonder if there are other recipes in which lemon juice is the “secret” ingredient.
Thanks again.
To all our faithful readers who drive professionally, we wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
Best regards,
Vicki Simons