TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.10.28

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.10.28 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending October 28, 2023, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding congestion, Convoy, detention, and vandalism:


We received from The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) an email on October 25, 2023, with this subject line:

DAT TruckersEdge - Most Loads. Best Rates. Serving Owner-Operators Since 1978. 10% off your first 12 months. New customers only.

Trucking’s Annual Congestion Costs Top $94.6 Billion

The first paragraph read:

Traffic congestion on U.S. highways added $94.6 billion in costs to the trucking industry in 2021 according to the latest Cost of Congestion study published by the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). This is the highest level yet recorded through this ongoing research initiative.

Other articles on this topic include:


This company is/was a digital freight broker.

The details on the “shut down” and possible takeover have not yet been settled.



Eventually, the “ice pick tire slasher” in Florida and Georgia will be caught.

In the meanwhile, if you travel in that area, please be ultra-careful about where you stop and park.

If you have the wherewithal to purchase, mount, and operate mini-cameras to record in various places around your rig, this person might be able to be caught sooner.

2. Regarding autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and fuel:

Autonomous vehicles

I emphatically disagree with the operation of self-driving, autonomous, or driverless Commercial Motor Vehicles on the same roads as the motoring public, but share these articles out of concern for our readers.

Electric vehicles

Before you buy an electric commercial motor vehicle, please do your do diligence.


3. Regarding being mean, operations, and recalls:

Being mean

The article in this section was posted on the website’s Facebook page — and as of the time that I saw it, there were already many comments in reply.

Some truckers were of the opinion — without having any facts to back it up — that the trucker whose fifth wheel pin was pulled basically deserved the treatment because he had parked for too long in the fuel island.

Regardless of driver’s behavior, this kind of activity is dangerous and can be damaging.

If the truck stop where this took place had video surveillance cameras rolling and the perpetrator was recorded, I hope that he/she will eventually be caught and dealt with.

Meanwhile, for the sakes of safety and saving time, please remember to always check certain things — including your fifth wheel pin — before you pull out.


Never attempt to take a truck that is 13’6″ high through a tunnel or on a bridge where the clearance is lower than that.


If you have the kind of tractor described here, please take your truck to an approved service location as soon as possible.

4. Regarding business, carbon, and economy:


The articles in this section concern the business of trucking.



5. Regarding crashes, DataQs, and fatalities:


Please look through these articles to see if there is anything you can learn to help you prevent being involved in a similar crash.



We express our deep sympathy — and offer our condolences — to the families of those whose loved ones died in these crashes.

Can you learn anything from the articles below that would help prevent being involved in a fatal large truck crash?

6. Regarding fact book and FMCSA:

Fact book


7. Regarding deliveries, holidays, and weather:


It appears to me that Roadrunner is so sure of on-time deliveries that the company is willing to provide “free” shipping for late deliveries.



This is the first holiday-dates-related article I’ve read so far this season.


If you haven’t already, prepare for cold temperatures now!

8. Regarding pay, ports, and rates:




9. Regarding shut down, smuggling, strike, and theft:

Shut down



Let’s hope that all strikes are soon resolved.


Do not become a willing participant in any theft!

10. Regarding taxes and technology:



11. Regarding inspections and insurance:


If you keep yourself and your rig in perpetual readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.


12. Regarding awards, freebies, and skill :


Congratulations to these truckers for their achievements and designations.



The title of the article on the page says:

“WATCH: Trucker successfully threads the needle through potential truck pile-up”.

“Threading the needle” in trucking terms means basically driving one’s truck through an ultra thin area unscathed.

We are glad that this trucker had the wherewithal to avoid what could have been a nasty crash!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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