TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2021.07.03

This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending July 3, 2021.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.


TDMST Weekly Round-Up

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1. Regarding July 4th holiday, discount, and theft:

Please watch out for opportunities to save and lose money, freight and more this weekend!

Don’t let your guard down.

July 4th holiday



Long holiday weekends are a favorite for thieves to hit upon parked trucks and the freight on-board!


2. Regarding insurance, inspections, safety, maintenance, oil, prevention, and recalls:


If you are an owner-operator or independent trucker — and the thought of higher insurance irritates you — please let your federal elected officials know!


Be aware of higher tech ways to inspect trucks.

Also, please realize that the best way to be ready for an inspection is to keep your truck — from the nose of your tractor to the bumper on your trailer — always ready for an inspection.


In this section, there is an article about “slower driving” being “safer driving” — a concept that can be taken too far!

When my husband Mike and I drove for Swift decades ago, all of their company trucks were governed at 57 miles per hour.

It can be a major hazard for a truck to be driven at 57 mph when the maximum speed limit on that road is posted at 70, 75, or 80 miles per hour!

Drive based on conditions, too, slowing down when (among other factors):

  • visibility is lower; and
  • precipitation has fallen or is falling.

Just because the speed limit is higher doesn’t mean you need to be driving that fast.


Get to know your rig, treat her well along maintenance lines, and she’ll treat you well!


Often, the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding oil specifications and drain intervals is the best way to go.

If you have found that the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding oil don’t work so well for your truck, would you please contact us through the form below and let us know the details?

Thanks. 🙂



If your truck has been recalled, please attend to getting the necessary work done as soon as possible.


3. Regarding rates, taxes, VMT, tolls, economy, consumer, trade deficit, inflation, and Christmas:




“VMT” stands for “Vehicle Miles Traveled,” which is a taxing mechanism.

While a tolling concept works in many places, VMT would theoretically tax all of the miles a vehicle is driven or hauled.

If the idea of imposing a truck-only VMT bothers you, please contact those who need to know — in order to object!



These articles cover aspects of the economy from the trucking industry’s perspective.


Trade deficit




4. Regarding roads, bridge, and congestion:





5. Regarding 2290, AB5, and PRO Act:





6. Regarding technology, drones, autonomous vehicles, aerodynamics, and emissions:


While technology can be a good thing, there is a point beyond which one should rely upon it.

A good example of this is following one’s GPS unit — even one that is geared for commercial motor vehicles — when stationary road signs or traffic enforcement personnel direct drivers otherwise.


I am including this section to help you stay up-to-date on delivery of items by drone.

Autonomous vehicles

I am adamantly opposed to driverless, self-driving and autonomous vehicles, but am sharing these articles to help you stay current with the news in the trucking industry.

I will say that I am glad that crashes involving autonomous vehicles are now being addressed.



In order for a vehicle to have “no emissions” or “zero emissions,” doesn’t it have to be the type that:

  • either “doesn’t burn fuel”
  • or burns a specific kind of fuel efficiently?

Here are the latest articles on this topic:


7. Regarding accident, staged accidents, drugs, smuggling, and illegal:


Please learn from these reports of accidents what went wrong — and strive continuously not to put yourself in a similar set-up.

Staged accidents

Vindication continues to occur as a result of this scam.

May all of the truckers and trucking companies that were targeted be recompensed!


Never consume drugs or drink alcohol prior to driving a commercial motor vehicle!


People are not cattle or freight!

Never agree to smuggle human beings, no matter how much incentive you are offered!


It is never right to lure someone for evil purposes!


8. Regarding employment, food, and ports:





9. Regarding risk, regulations, and teens:




Those who have studied the subject know that a human’s brain does not fully develop until around age 26.

While some younger people may be more “mature” than older people, for the most part, the reason why teenagers’ auto insurance rates are higher is because:

  • either they tend to take more risks than older drivers;
  • or they simply don’t have the same driving experiences as older drivers.

I oppose teenagers being allowed to drive commercial motor vehicles (CMVs).


10. Regarding idling, parking, and weather:


For more information on this topic, check out the 9-page series on idling on our site.



Among the articles listed in this section are those covering an astronomical towing bill for a truck stranded in flood waters.

While I am not at all in favor of price gouging, I have to ask if the trucker or trucking company asked in advance for a price quote from the towing company.

How long does it take for a truck motor to be partially or fully submerged in water to no longer work or permanently fail?

If the flood waters were going to subside quickly, why not just wait until after they subsided in order to get help?

More importantly, was there any kind of weather forecast that flooding would take place in that area — so as to let truckers know not to drive in flood-prone areas?

Just asking.


11. Regarding fuel, shortage, and statistical life:



There are a number of factors involving the so-called “trucker shortage,” which OOIDA describes in part (link, link) as a retention issue.

So, learn how to separate the myths from the facts.

Statistical life

When I wrote a guest blog on August 1, 2013, about the at-that-time proposed Hours of Service regulations change:

  • the FMCSA stated that the new regulations “will save 19 lives … each year,”
  • while ATRI said that the new regulations would “cost the industry $189 million a year collectively.”

So, I divided the cost by the number of lives in order to get the “value” of each person whose life would supposedly be saved:

$189,000,000 / 19 people = $ 9,947,368.42 per person

Now that value has been increased…

What I don’t understand is why truckers’ lives are not valued as highly.


12. Regarding award:

Congratulations to all truckers who have been recognized, honored, or otherwise awarded!

Let’s hope that all award winners will remain humble and helpful.


My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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