TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2021.12.04

This is the TDMST Weekly Round-Up of news affecting professional truck drivers, written by Vicki Simons for the week ending December 4, 2021.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.  


TDMST Weekly Round-Up

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1. Regarding COVID-19 and HOS:


You have to ask yourself why such large incentives ($7,800 or $10K, according to articles listed below) have been offered for truckers to get jabbed with a bi0we@p0n.

As of the date when this trucking commentary is being written, reports regarding what has happened in the USA:

  • 927,738 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports; and
  • 19,532 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths.

Once injected, the bi0we@p0n causes devastating effects on the bodies of men, women, teenagers, children — and even those who were perfectly healthy beforehand (including athletes)!

People worldwide have been lied to from the beginning about this huge propaganda campaign.

There is nothing in the Declaration of Independence or The Constitution of the United States that even suggests that freedom and liberty are the result of complying with manmade medical interventions.

Not only that, but the goalposts have been moved — one step at a time — toward greater and greater levels of c0ntr0l and tyr@nny.

You can rest assured that if you take one jab, you will be required to take others or some other intervention(s), the ingredients of which have not ever been fully disclosed.

There has also been a report written and video created about the danger of not only the jab but also the so-called test.

Since your health is precious, be vigilant to protect it by never compromising!

Jobs come and jobs go, but once your health is gone — or your body has been taken over by a bi0we@p0n — there is no detoxifying from that.

Meanwhile, here are some of the most recent articles about this topic from the trucking industry’s perspective.

HOS (Hours of Service)

Here we go — again!


2. Regarding supply chain and ports:

Supply chain



3. Regarding accidents, drugs, smuggling, dumping, theft, and violence:


Please review these accidents — as well as other trucking problems — and endeavor never to get in a similar situation yourself.


No matter how much you have been offered, never ever agree to haul illegal drugs.


No matter how much you have been offered, never ever agree to haul people like cargo or cattle.


Deliver all freight that you’re being paid to deliver.

We have all been commanded to “love your neighbor as you love yourself,” so it follows that:

  • if we order something and expect it to be delivered to us intact and in a timely manner,
  • when we are in charge of helping to deliver others’ packages, we will deliver them intact and in a timely manner, too!

So, this trucker didn’t do what was right!



Seek to minimize and avoid all opportunities to be involved in violence, while at the same time using appropriate self-defense.


4. Regarding autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, fuel, emissions, and technology:

Autonomous vehicles

I look upon platooning vehicles on roads the same way I think of rail cars on railroads.

I anticipate that one of these days, an impatient motorist is going to try cutting in between platooning trucks — and cause a massive accident!

Furthermore, I have stated many times that I very strongly oppose the use of autonomous commercial motor vehicles on the public roads shared with other motorists, but share articles on this topic as a courtesy to help our readers stay currently with the topic.

Electric vehicles





5. Regarding roads and winter:



Please take appropriate precautions for living and working in a truck on the road in the winter.


6. Regarding ATRI, conditions, trucking industry, and regulations:



Trucking industry



7. Regarding economy, health, consumers, holidays, and inflation:







8. Regarding i”
“nspections, violations, removal, scales, and insurance:







9. Regarding predictions, shortage, strike, employment, and training:







10. Regarding lawsuit, legal, length of haul, LTL, and parking:



Length of haul



The Constitution of the United States lists very specific and limited enumerated powers — and paying for truck parking isn’t one of them!

Truck parking is a state issue — and needs to be addressed on that level.


11. Regarding wait time, pay, per diem, bonus, and rates:

Wait time


It is not the responsibility of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to study trucker pay.

In fact, the FMCSA is an unconstitutional bureaucracy!

Per diem




12. Regarding awards:

Congratulations to all trucking-related people who — and entities that — have been honored for various things.

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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