In 2010, we began utilizing the social networking site Twitter to “tweet” in 140 characters or less
either a “Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip”
- or “Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry”
each non-weekend, non-holiday weekday.
The former is concise and helpful guidance or advice.
The latter is designed to spur other professional drivers to either answer a question regarding a tip or possibly provide a
Our Twitter account is: TruckersSavings.
Please see our lists from 2010, 2011, and 2012.
In late 2011, we started sending these short money saving tips and money saving inquiries for truck drivers through our Facebook account.
Below, you will see the “tweet a day” from part of 2013 (in chronological order).
12/31/2012 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Print out a new 2013 calendar from our free downloads: |
1/1/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Need help setting a budget for the new year? |
1/2/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: If you owe money, set a goal to become debt- and interest free this year. |
1/3/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Ever paid interest on debt? What if you could have been invested it? |
1/4/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Instead of paying interest, endeavor to have your money work for you. |
1/7/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: In-truck organization will help you to find things quicker and more easily. |
1/8/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Ever spent too much time looking for something you knew you had in-truck? |
1/9/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some drivers like keeping their load paperwork in an aluminum forms holder. |
1/10/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What way works best for you at keeping your truck-related paperwork? |
1/11/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Keep the last 4 weeks’ worth of load paperwork with you if re-scan needed. |
1/14/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Like watching videos on your phone? Exceeding your data cap can be expensive. |
1/15/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Ever exceeded data cap on your cell phone plan? How much did it cost? |
1/16/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some cell phone providers let users designate certain numbers as in-network. |
1/17/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Do you arrange your cell phone calls on nights/weekends for lower rate? |
1/18/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Evaluate your telecommunications needs at least annually for optimization. |
1/21/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Deep cleaning greasy hands may require use of Goop or other hand cleaner. |
1/22/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Do you carry Goop hand cleaner in your truck? How often do you use it? |
1/23/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Have a paper towel or rag on hand in which to clean Goop off your hands. |
1/24/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever de-greased something else with Goop hand cleaner? |
1/25/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Goop hand cleaner has been used to remove stains from washable clothing. |
1/28/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Keep a variety of cable or zip ties in your truck for various applications. |
1/29/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Which disposable tool or piece of equipment do you use most often? How? |
1/30/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: All cable and zip ties are strength tested. Match strength with application. |
1/31/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What’s the longest you’ve ever used a cable or zip tie? How was it used? |
2/1/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Cutting and removing a cable/zip tie? Take care not to cut below the surface. |
2/4/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Travel in snowy areas? Know the snow chain laws before you travel. |
2/5/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Does your trucking company require that you carry chains on your truck? |
2/6/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Switch-controlled automatic snow chains don’t require drivers to chain up. |
2/7/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: If you use automatic snow chains, how much money have they saved you? |
2/8/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Beware: Some areas have laws about snow and ice build-up on top of trailers. |
2/11/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Investigate staying close to loved ones OTR via Skype or alternative. |
2/12/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Ever tried Skype for mobile apps to stay in touch with loved ones? |
2/13/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Truckers, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. Gift sincerity means more than cost. |
2/14/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What’s the most frugal, meaningful valentine’s Day gift you ever gave? |
2/15/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Keep appropriately, safely placed reminders of loved ones in your truck. |
2/18/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Keep receipts from all truck tolls for tax deductions or reimbursements. |
2/19/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Which toll road have you ever taken at your own expense for faster travel? |
2/20/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: If a toll for big trucks is too expensive, give feedback to the authority. |
2/21/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What are the best and worst values in truck toll roads worldwide? |
2/22/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Consider the cost in time and accident potential of taking non-toll route. |
2/25/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Not all trucker or commercial driver legal plans are the same. Compare them. |
2/26/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What use of which trucker legal plan has saved you the most money? |
2/27/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Look for a legal service plan with actual attorneys, not just paralegals. |
2/28/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Which trucker legal plan left you in a lurch and cost you big buck? |
3/1/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: A nationwide attorney network legal service plan helps many truckers. |
3/4/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Scanning documents electronically can help you get paid faster than mailing them. |
3/5/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Does your trucking company limit which document scanning services you can use? How? |
3/6/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some document scanning services now use mobile apps. Compare services and rates. |
3/7/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Does your trucking company charge you as a driver to scan in your documents? How? |
3/8/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: To scan documents with a cell phone, stay straight over and use the right distance. |
3/11/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Auxiliary power units (APUs) let drivers stay comfortable and use power without idling. |
3/12/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: How much money have you saved by using your APU instead of idling your truck? |
3/13/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Two types of APUs are fuel-powered and battery-powered. Research pros and cons. |
3/14/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever gotten a ticket or fine for idling your truck in a no-idle zone? |
3/15/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Schedule periodic maintenance on your APU just like you would any other machine. |
3/18/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: In northern hemisphere, winter is ending. Don’t forget season’s end truck maintenance. |
3/19/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What type of end-of-winter maintenance do you do on your truck? At what cost? |
3/20/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: North of the equator, today is the first day of spring. Know what ruins your truck paint. |
3/21/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What cost-saving measures should truckers take as temperatures warm up outside? |
3/22/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Don’t wreck your truck swerving to avoid hitting animals crossing roads of any size. |
3/25/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: March is the first month in 2013 with 5 Fridays. Spend any ‘extra’ payday wisely. |
3/26/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: How would you spend an extra paycheck: pay off debt, spend it, save it or give away? |
3/27/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Select types of investments that meet your needs for liquidity and return. |
3/28/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you calculated the interest you can earn by saving every ‘fifth week’ paycheck? |
3/29/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Return on investments may vary over time. Save steadily and use dollar cost averaging. |
4/1/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Today is April 1. Don’t be a ‘fool’ by spending all you make. Save a little every payday. |
4/2/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: How do you ensure that you have at least a little money to save every payday? |
4/3/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Free up money to save by paying off debt ASAP. Pay it off systematically til it’s gone. |
4/4/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: If you ever owed a large amount of money |
4/5/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: There are people who pay interest and those who earn it. Work to become the latter. |
4/8/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Laptop computers are designed to take some vibration. Backup data before hard drive fails. |
4/9/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Which method of backing up your data do you find is the best and least expensive? |
4/10/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: With all the extra bumping a truck gets, it’s vital to back up your critical data regularly. |
4/11/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: If you back up your data ‘in the cloud’, how do you protect it from being hacked? |
4/12/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Even USB flash drives or thumb drives have been known to fail. Back up your back up. |
4/15/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Plan meals to eat in your truck with a degree of flexibility depending on runs you get. |
4/16/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: How does your in-truck meal-eating schedule, fixed or variable, affect your budget? |
4/17/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: If you plan to carry perishable food with you in-truck, carry a way to keep it cold. |
4/18/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever had a cold food device to fail in your truck? What did you do? |
4/19/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: As long as you have or make ice in your truck, an ice chest can keep cold food cold. |
4/22/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: There are a record number of computer viruses and malware programs. Protect your data. |
4/23/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever had a computer virus or other malware affect your computer on the road? |
4/24/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some people use multiple anti-spyware programs to protect their computers weekly. |
4/25/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: How much do you pay annually on anti-spyware or related programs? For which one? |
4/26/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some anti-virus programs are designed to catch problems before they happen. Shop around. |
4/29/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Only when you know both your income and expenses will you be able to plan financially. |
4/30/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you written down where you are spending your money in a spending diary? |
5/1/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: April and one-third of the year are over. Re-evaluate your budget and savings plan. |
5/2/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Are there budget categories where you spend more money than you’d like? Which ones? |
5/3/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Apart from gifts and inheritance, to increase savings: make more, spend less or do both. |
5/6/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: OTR truckers need to plan in advance the clothing to pack so as not to have to buy it. |
5/7/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever been forced to buy clothing on the road because of lack of planning? |
5/8/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Pack supplies to do laundry on the road. Vending machine supplies cost more per volume. |
5/9/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever washed any clothing in your truck? What supplies did you use? |
5/10/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Decide if washing two smaller loads or one larger load is the better laundromat deal. |
5/13/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: AC and DC appliances cannot generally be used interchangeably. Plan ahead on use. |
5/14/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever purchased a DC appliance, wishing it could be used in an AC outlet? |
5/15/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Some DC-powered appliances have fuses that can blow easily. Know how to replace yours. |
5/16/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What kinds of DC appliances have you used in-truck that blew a fuse? |
5/17/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: A product’s warranty reveals its quality. Look at length and limitations on appliances. |
5/20/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: AC appliances may be run in a truck via appropriately-sized inverter or shore power. |
5/21/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Have you ever tried to operate an appliance without enough electricity to power it? |
5/22/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Shore power options for truckers in the USA are available at selected truck stops. |
5/23/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What percent of that time do you use shore power for comfort, electricity or other? |
5/24/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Calculate fuel savings (gallons x cost/gallon) of using truck stop electrification. |
5/27/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: In the USA, it is Memorial Day. Take time to write or revise memorable annual goals. |
5/28/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: What was the largest financial goal you ever set and met? How did you meet it? |
5/29/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Once you achieve one financial goal, set another. Keep pressing on to new milestones. |
5/30/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Was anyone in your life instrumental in helping you reach your goal? Who was it? |
5/31/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Today, May 31, is the second fifth-Friday of 2013. Spend any ‘extra paycheck’ wisely. |
6/3/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Every dollar in a credit card balance is that much owed and needing to be repaid. |
6/4/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Do you recognize that every dollar spent to repay credit is a dollar not saved? |
6/5/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Work to get old debts repaid as quickly as possible so as to begin to save more money. |
6/6/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry: Which credit do you pay off first: highest or lowest amount, or highest interest? |
6/7/2013 | Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip: Even though a credit card balance may have grown large, keep working to repay it. |
We have continued to send out a short Truck Drivers Money Saving Tip or Truck Drivers Money Saving Inquiry — in length short enough to tweet — every weekday ever since (with the sole exception being holidays).
See the tips through the TruckDriversMoneySavingTips Facebook page.
Return from A Tweet A Day: Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips and Inquiries to our Ask a Question page or our Truck Drivers Money Saving Tips home page.