By: Lynn,
Your use of WD-40 to help truck curtains slide in the track easier was useful. I suspect there are many uses for WD-40 in a truck. Mine is to remove sticky adhesive labels from glass and hard plastic surfaces. What are others?
Response from Vicki:
Hi, Lynn. Thanks for your tip. You have referred to our Truck Curtains “Sticky” in the Track? This Simple Trick Helps Them Slide page.
At the time Mike and I teamed, a lot of trailers had wheels with windows where drivers (and mechanics) could see the hub oil level. Of course, as drivers drove, a lot of dirty and grime would accumulate over the window. Although we were never given this instruction — and it would be a good idea to ask your trucking company if it is an acceptable practice if they have the same type of equipment — I would spray a bit of WD-40 on the hub seal window and clean it off with a paper towel. That way, I could easily see the hub oil level to make sure all was well.
As for other uses, you may want to see what you can adapt from these lists:
We would like to hear from other professional truck drivers on their use of WD-40 in and around your truck. How specifically have you used it to help you save money? Please submit them through our Tricks of the Trade page. Thanks in advance.
We wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
Best regards,
Vicki Simons
Update (September 13, 2019):
Our readers and their home support team members may find this resource useful:
How to Get Ink Out of Clothes.