TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.02.10

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.02.10 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending February 10, 2024, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding earnings, economy, MirrorEye, regulations – MCS-150, protesters, and towing:


There are many more articles that I could have put in this section, but I’ve provided a sampling of some articles, both companies that are doing well financially and those that are not, as of the 4th quarter of 2023.

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The purpose for my listing these is so that you can learn what potentially leads to financial success in trucking, so that you can duplicate it in as many respects as possible (even if you’re a company driver).


Some signs point to a strengthening economy while others do not.

Please prepare for both good and bad times.


This camera technology is a replacement for mirrors.

Based on what I personally saw at a trucking show some years ago, truckers would be able to see more places around their trucks with this technology than with mirrors.

What are your thoughts?

Please comment through the form below.


Please be aware of the Hobbs Act:

18 U.S. Code § 1951 – Interference with commerce by threats or violence

(a)Whoever in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion or attempts or conspires so to do, or commits or threatens physical violence to any person or property in furtherance of a plan or purpose to do anything in violation of this section shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

While this is a matter for attorneys and judges to decide, in my opinion, any action by people on a road that “shuts down” or “completely stops” commerce is a violation of federal law and the perpetrators need to be held responsible for their actions.

Regulations – MCS-150

This is for owner-operators and independent drivers.


This situation potentially affects all truckers.

Predatory towing, in my opinion, is sheer, unadulterated greed and needs to be outlawed.

There is a time and a place for towing large trucks, but it ought never to be predatory.

2. Regarding autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, emissions, fuel, and oil:

Autonomous vehicles

I wholeheartedly disagree with the operation of driverless, autonomous, or self-driving commercial motor vehicles on the same roads as the motoring public — but I share articles on this topic with our readers to help us stay current on the topic.

Electric vehicles

Before you buy an all-electric Commercial Motor Vehicle, please do your due diligence.


Please do your due diligence on this topic.



3. Regarding border, business, capacity, and events:


Please have all of your paperwork and credentials in place before hauling cross-border freight.


This section affects owner-operators and independent truckers more than company drivers.



4. Regarding cold chain and containers:

Cold chain


5. Regarding crashes, fatalities, fraud, hijackings, theft, and violence – mob:


Please look through these articles to see if there is anything you can learn to help you prevent being involved in a similar crash.


We express our deep sympathy — and offer our condolences — to the families of those whose loved ones died in these crashes.

Can you learn anything from the articles below that would help prevent being involved in a fatal large truck crash?


Engaging in fraud is wrong.


Please be on your guard for situations that can lead up to this.

You may want to talk with your fleet manager, dispatcher, or safety director for specific guidance.


Do everything reasonable to protect yourself, your tractor, your trailer, and the load you’re hauling from being targeted for theft or violence.

Violence – mob

Please be on the lookout for — and if possible, avoid — mob situations.

Is it possible that self-defense will be useful in such situations?

6. Regarding CSA score, homeless, inspections, legal, and out of service:

CSA score


If you keep your rig and yourself in perpetual readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.


Some of these situations may affect you.

Out of service

Whether truckers are put out of service or the regulations are changing, please read and learn…


According to the article in this section

Six migrants were found hiding under a sleeper mattress and inside of a locked cabinet inside of a semi truck cab over the weekend.

Now, did the trucker know about this?

I personally find it difficult to believe that he did not.

Never treat human beings made in the image of God like they are cattle or cargo!

7. Regarding maintenance, recalls, and trucking:


It’s always good to perform preventive maintenance on trucks of all sizes.


If your tractor or trailer is under a recall, please have the work attended to as soon as possible.


These articles cover a number of subjects.

8. Regarding pay, rates, repay, and tolls:


These articles may be instructive regarding trucker pay.



I was glad to read about this!


If a road is slated for being converted to a toll road, please contact the powers that be to express your opinion.

9. Regarding politics, regulations, and regulations – air:



Regulations – air

10. Regarding roads, routing, and technology:



Always use a truckers atlas to route yourself and do not rely upon non-CMV-specific GPS units!


11. Regarding weather and worst drivers:


If it is possible, stay current with weather so that you are not involved in a bad situation.

Worst drivers

12. Regarding recognition:


We recognize those truckers who helped their fellow human beings in a time of need.

Thanks, y’all!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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