Category: Trucks

When it comes to addressing idling from air quality (environmental) and government control (legislative) standpoints, we think that lawmakers would be well served to…

Continue Reading Air Quality, Idling, the Environment and Trucker Comfort

Laws for snow removal and ice removal from the tops of big rigs (and other types of vehicles) continually change…

Continue Reading Addressing Snow Removal from Semi Tractor Trailers

When Mike had a certain local truck driving job, he was required to check tread depth on all the tires on the company-owned…

Continue Reading Lessons on Tire Tread Depth and Mismatched Tires

In October 2011, Vicki became enlightened regarding retread tires. Up until connecting with @voiceofretreads on Twitter and tweeting back and forth a bit,…

Continue Reading Retread Tires for Big Trucks: Cost Savings and Other Tips

A Facebook post about this article about an SUV that rear ended a parked truck received a response. We made another post that we feel…

Continue Reading Rear Ended in a Truck

There are two types of dispatches for OTR truckers: pre planned loads and those not planned in advance. When we drove team…

Continue Reading Pre Planned Loads: Pros, Cons and Tips for Truckers

We have covered reducing air resistance on a tractor trailer rig on our pages about side skirts and wheel covers. We also seek product reviews on…

Continue Reading Large Truck Air Resistance, Fuel Economy and Efficiency

Certain states require truck snow chains to be carried on commercial motor vehicles during certain times of the year —…

Continue Reading Truck Snow Chains: Preparation for Winter Driving

Vicki wrote a mini flashlight review in early December 2013. This is a Bantam HB 62 update about a potential burn hazard —…

Continue Reading Bantam HB 62 Update: Burn Hazard When Using Rechargeable Battery

In a nutshell, truckers’ options for semi truck repair fall in two categories: do it yourself (DIY) or have someone else…

Continue Reading Semi Truck Repair: Tips on Semi Repair for Frugal Truckers