Category: Trucks

What are some options regarding getting Diesel Exhaust Fluid put in your DEF fuel tank?

Continue Reading DEF Fuel Tank

What are double booked loads and what can you do if you’ve been given one as your load assignment or dispatch? What should be done to make sure getting one never happens again?

Continue Reading Double Booked Loads

Do you have a load that is supposed to be delivered on Memorial Day? We encourage you to double-check your Memorial Day delivery appointment

Continue Reading Double-Check Your Memorial Day Delivery Appointment

ATRI says FMCSA’s HOS Field Study Report is Flawed.

Continue Reading ATRI says FMCSA’s HOS Field Study Report is Flawed

This is a call to action regarding truckers wages and the U.S. Senate as was written in May 2018 about the Fischer and Denham Amendments.

Continue Reading Truckers Wages and the U.S. Senate

In the winter, many truckers struggle between two no-win options. What’s the answer to this seemingly impossible winter trucking problem?

Continue Reading What’s the Answer to This Seemingly Impossible Winter Trucking Problem?

In what other industry besides trucking has the government ever mandated the purchase of a ‘self-certification’ product? This column is about the Electronic Logging Devices (ELD) mandate.

Continue Reading In what other industry besides trucking has the government ever mandated the purchase of a ‘self-certification’ product?

What happens when the load in your trailer starts to tip and you have leaning freight on your hands?

Continue Reading Leaning Freight

What sorts of things that freeze on truckers can pose either a small inconvenience or injury? Prepare ahead of time so you aren’t delayed.

Continue Reading Things That Freeze On Truckers

Among some of the most disrespectful things a trucker can ever hear is go see what you can scrounge up. What does that say about the equipment a trucker is supposed to use?

Continue Reading Go See What You Can Scrounge Up