Thank you for your interest in getting a free sample of Young Living essential oil.
After numerous samples sent by regular mail did not travel well, we were forced to start mailing essential oil samples in bubble mailers. This increased our cost to mail samples. So, instead of sending just one sample for the cost of shipping, we’ve decided to send two samples for just the cost of shipping: USD$6.00.
Through the form below, you may request 2 samples of any combination of Lavender, Lemon, Peace & Calming (blend), Peppermint, Purification (blend) or Thieves (blend) essential oil through Mike and Vicki Simons, Independent Distributors with Young Living Essential Oils.
Each sample contains 0.25-ml of a single or blended essential oil.
You may look at the brief description of each or click on the linked image to pull up a description of each essential oil that we offered.
So, do you know which samples you would like to request?
Please use the form below to get started.
After you click the button at the bottom of the form, you will be taken to PayPal to just pay shipping to “NKBJ InfoNet, LLC” to get your free sample.
You will also be given the opportunity to confirm your subscription to the YLEO Essential Oily Spot (“yleoessoilyspot”) email list.
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