By: John doe,
Need help usa
If you work for a temp agency who do you turn your logs into,the temp agency or the company you are driving for?
Response from Vicki:
Hello. As I wrote in response to a similar comment on this page of our site:
Whenever a professional truck driver begins working for a new employer or through a temp agency — and he/she is not sure of the procedure regarding “to whom” to turn in log sheets — ask.
It seems logical to me for a driver to turn in his/her log sheets to the entity to whom he/she is submitting the signed bills of lading at the end of every trips. However, if there is a different procedure, you need to understand it and abide by it.
Please refer all questions about your logs, log sheets and electronic logs to your driver manager or dispatcher. If he/she doesn’t know the answer, go to his/her supervisor. And keep going up the chain of authority until you get an answer. Do not let a lack of knowledge on the part of your supervisor keep you from being compliant with the law.
Please let us know how it goes for you.
My husband Mike and I wish you safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.
Best regards,
Vicki Simons