TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.12.30

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.12.30 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending December 30, 2023, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding most read, outlook 2024, and review 2023:

Most read

I summarize the listing of the top 10 articles as:

DAT TruckersEdge - Most Loads. Best Rates. Serving Owner-Operators Since 1978. 10% off your first 12 months. New customers only.

Boycott, recession, bloodbath, end, shut down, bankruptcy, stranded, demand, bankruptcy, shut down.

In other words, every single one of these top 10 stories is somehow connected with truckers and money (or the lack thereof).

And frankly, dear readers, that’s why our website is so critical.

Here’s the listing:

Outlook 2024

After enduring a hard year economically — and in trucking — everyone would love to have good news regarding a projected rosy future.

Is one predicted? You decide based on these articles:

Review 2023

Here are some of the recaps of 2023:

2. Regarding bankruptcies and shut down:


The article linked in this section states:

Industry bankruptcy experts say financial distress at the hands of multiple factors has caused an uptick in bankruptcy cases among trucking and logistics companies of all sizes.

An expert cited in the article also speculated that “the trend [is expected to] continue for another 12 to 18 months.”

Shut down

Well, after striking overpasses a number of times, there just have to be some shut downs…

3. Regarding crashes, death, drugs, and medical:


Please look through these articles to see if there is anything you can learn to help you prevent being involved in a similar crash.


We express our deep sympathy — and offer our condolences — to the family of the loved one who died.


Never ever agree to haul illegal drugs for anyone, no matter how big of an incentive is offered.


Thanks to those who helped their fellow human being in a time of need.

Why is it, though that “medical episodes” seem to be happening behind the wheels of vehicles more regularly?

4. Regarding business, CARB, delivery, recalls, regulations, and relationships:




Of the 8 criteria regarding shipping that are listed on the infographic listed just below, free, fast, and trackable were the top ones selected by U.S. online shoppers.

The offer of “free shipping,” in my opinion:

  • devalues the work associated with shipping that truckers and others do; and
  • must be made up by increasing prices in other ways to pay for that “free shipping.”

So if the old saying is true, “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch,” wouldn’t it follow that “free shipping” is just an illusion to make us feel better?


If you have a tractor or trailer currently under a recall, please have it serviced as soon as possible.


Please take actions that are necessary for you.


It’s always good to forge good relationships.

5. Regarding eclipse, economy, fees, penalty, and taxes:


The Arkansas Trucking Association’s President stated:

“You can’t just park your rig for a tourist event… We have bills to pay and products to deliver. That doesn’t stop for anything.”

Well said!





6. Regarding border, parking, and towing:



Please be aware that places in this network are paid parking.


Can one “shop around” for a more reasonable towing fee?

7. Regarding legal, operations, speed limiter, and technology:



Speed limiter


8. Regarding electric vehicles, emissions, and fuel:

Electric vehicles

Before you invest in an electric commercial motor vehicle, please do your due diligence.



9. Regarding OOIDA, rewards, and safety:




10. Regarding Vivek and weather:


When it comes to presidential candidates:, I am not a fan of Vivek Ramaswamy because he is Not Constitutionally Eligible to Be President.

However, he has some very interesting things to say!


11. Regarding theft and violence:



12. Regarding awards:


If you know of someone eligible and worthy to be an award winner, please nominate him or her.

Congratulations to all professional truck drivers who have been honored or who win awards!

We are grateful whenever truckers help others or are helped by others.

Note: This is my 52nd TDMST Weekly Round-Up this year.

I hope you’ve gotten tremendous value from them!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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