TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.02.18

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2023.02.18 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending February 18, 2023, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding derailment, hazmat, accidents, and fatalities:


Based on what I understand as of this writing, there have been about 4 train derailments in the USA within the last month or so.

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One has to wonder if there isn’t something coordinated, sinister, or even downright tyrannical going on.

If you haul hazardous materials as a trucker — especially a placarded load — you know that that is a very serious matter.

A spill of a “hazmat” load should always contained and neutralized as soon as possible.

One has to wonder why a hazmat spill from a train was not treated in the same way.

Depending on your source for information, at least one of these derailments — the one in Ohio — has unleashed a huge amount of toxins into the land, water, and air.

Some media outlets have stifled on-the-ground reporting, but there have been reports of injury and death of non-human life in an area around the derailment.

If you are planning to work in or drive through the area where these derailments have taken place, please be super careful regarding your health.

For example, if you’re having trouble breathing, I strongly advise you to consider the potentially life-threatening risk of being in the area.

I have linked to some articles below from different sources that may be helpful to you.


This one was a truck hazmat accident.


Please learn what you can from these articles about large truck crashes so that you can do your best to avoid being involved in a similar accident yourself.


We express our deep sympathy and extend our condolences to the families of those who passed away.

Also, please be aware of the circumstances that led up to these deaths so that you don’t repeat them.

2. Regarding economy, inflation, fines, taxes, tolls, and rates:


The following are some of the most recent articles about the economy from the trucking industry’s perspective:


How are you handling inflation as a trucker?

Please comment through the form below.


If you’re driving a commercial motor vehicle, stay on the designated truck routes.




3. Regarding electric vehicles, Green Energy Agenda, batteries, and Tesla:

Electric vehicles

If you’re thinking about buying an electric commmercial motor vehicle, please see the “Green Energy Agenda” section just below.

Green Energy Agenda

Before you buy an electric truck, please read or listen to these resources:



4. Regarding fuel and emissions:



From the second article in this section, we read:

American Trucking Associations President and CEO Chris Spear on Wednesday warned Congress that the industry needed realistic federally-sponsored timelines and targets to reduce emissions, rather than allow California and other states to dictate standards.

I have two thoughts on this:

> The Tenth Amendment to The Constitution of the United States reads: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

Since emissions are not addressed in The Constitution, this is a matter left up to the states or the people.

So, California has every right to set their own standards in this matter.

As of January 1, 2023, the state has already banned many older trucks from operating in the state.

Where was the ATA before that deadline?

>> If the ATA is so all-fired upset about the state of California dictating certain things for trucks and truckers, where were they on the AB5 situation?

Just saying.

5. Regarding ELDs, HOS, and inspections:




If you keep yourself and your truck in a perpetual state of readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.

6. Regarding CSA and regulations:

Be aware of ever-changing standards and regulations.



7. Regarding BP/TCA and recalls:


Will the service after the acquisition be better than, the same as, or worse than the service is now?


If your tractor has a recall, please have it attended to as soon as possible.

8. Regarding drugs, marijuana, and theft:


Never ever haul illegal drugs, no matter how big of an incentive you’ve been offered.


Please keep yourself out of legal hot water regarding this and similar substances.


Do everything that is reasonable to try to thwart the theft of truck parts and cargo from your tractor/trailer.

9. Regarding roads, weather, and staged:



Please monitor the weather along your route and if necessary, park until conditions improve.

Remember that no load is worth your life.

Here are some resources on our website that you may find helpful:

Meanwhile, here are some articles about weather-related problems this past week:


I am glad that the people involved in this scam are being sentenced!

10. Regarding employment, LTL, and ports:


Back on December 3, 2022, I wrote about a “furlough” for FedEx Freight drivers.

Now, UPS is laying off “junior drivers.”


Is this a sign of an economic downturn?

What about the so-called “trucker shortage”?



11. Regarding violations and weight:



12. Regarding awards:


Congratulations to “Driver of the Year winners” in both “For Hire” and “Private Fleet” categories!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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