TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.06.08

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.06.08 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending June 8, 2024, written by Vicki Simons.

I welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding carbon monoxide, congestion pricing, inspections, load securement, and so-called bird flu:

Carbon monoxide

According to the third article in the section just below:

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Investigators say that the carbon monoxide poisoning was likely caused by a single-burner butane cooking stove found in the truck.

OK, even there is a “grills” post on this site, we have never advised drivers to cook — or heat their cabs — with a gas burner in the truck.

In 2012, we posted tips about smelly, toxic diesel exhaust, checking for a flex pipe leak, and to get a broken one replaced ASAP.

I extend my sincere condolences to the family of the trucker who passed away due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Congestion pricing

In my opinion, this scheme should never have been proposed.

Further, I speculate that had it not been for the lawsuit that was filed, the New York governor would not have backed down on this.

I am very glad that this has been withdrawn!


If you keep yourself and your rig in perpetual readiness for an inspection, you’ll never be caught off-guard.

Please be aware of emphases coming up and what has happened in the past.

Load securement

Every professional truck driver is responsible for the securement of his or her load.

One of the articles below includes a video showing how something on a load fell off and hit another motorist (a biker) in transit.

I would like to hear from my readers — specifically about this article/video — how they would have advised the trucker to make sure that the piece that came loose would not have come loose before transporting it.

Please comment through the form below. Thanks.

So-called bird flu

There are two places in Revelation 2 in The Holy Bible that refer to people who:

  • either claim to be something that they are not (vs. 2);
  • or call themselves something that they are not (vs. 9).

There are powers-that-be who have been making claims about health and wellness for a long time — and who stand to earn a lot of money from their lies.

In my opinion, we’ve seen a lot of this over the last 4 years or so.

Furthermore, in my opinion, one needs to look for conflicts of interest and propaganda behind any mass movement to do something on a widespread scale.

Specifically regarding the so-called “bird flu” having affected cattle, please watch the video from Dr. Judy Mikovits on Telegram, in which she asks a lot of reasonable questions.

2. Regarding autonomous vehicles, battery cells, electric vehicles, emissions, fuel, and fuel economy:

Autonomous vehicles

I very strongly object to the operation of driverless, self-driving, or autonomous commercial motor vehicles on the same roads as the motoring public — but I share articles on this topic with our readers to help us stay current on the topic.

Battery cells

Electric vehicles

Before you buy an all-electric Commercial Motor Vehicle, please do your due diligence by asking some questions and getting answers.



Fuel economy

3. Regarding alcohol, crashes, death, drugs, fatalties, fraud, road rage, smuggling, and theft:


Never ever use (as in mouthwash) or consume (as in beer, wine, liquor, or any kind of spirits) alcohol before you begin driving a vehicle of any kind, especially a commercial motor vehicle.


Please look through these articles to see if there is anything you can learn to help you prevent being involved in a similar crash.


I extend my condolences of the people who died as a result of the actions described in these articles.

Please review them to see if you can learn anything to help prevent a future death.


Never ever haul or take illegal drugs.


I express my deep sympathy — and offer my condolences — to the families of those whose loved ones died in these crashes.

Can you learn anything from the articles below that would help prevent being involved in a fatal large truck crash?


Never attempt to deceive, misrepresent something, intentionally pervert the truth, or pretend to be someone else for the purpose of trying to get something valuable.

Road rage

Learn how to help prevent road rage from escalating out of control.


Never ever transport people made in the image of God as if they were cattle or cargo — no matter how big a “payoff” you’ve been offered.


Never take something that doesn’t belong to you, unless you have permission.

In our day, there are many types of surveillance cameras, so be on guard!

4. Regarding bankruptcy, closures, economy, employment, and rates:






5. Regarding border, border – CBSA, business, concerns, and detention:


Border – CBSA




6. Regarding parking, predictions, value, and purpose:





7. Regarding collapse, escape ramp, and roads:


Escape ramp


8. Regarding FMCSA, legal, politics, and raised bed warning:




Raised bed warning

9. Regarding freight routes, routing, safety, technology, and tires:

Freight routes


It is imperative — in my opinion — that all professional truck drivers obtain and learn how to use a Road Carriers Atlas (aka truckers atlas).




10. Regarding climate control, LTL, maintenance, truck stops, and weight:

Climate control



Truck stops


Along with the routing section above is the warning that trucks must never attempt to cross a bridge that is not rated for its weight.

Stay on the truck routes!

11. Regarding recycling, supply chain, and truck ban:


Supply chain

Truck ban

12. Regarding awards, championship, and recognition:


I congratulate the professional truck drivers who were recently recognized for their “achievements within the trucking community and … their dedication and safe driving records.”


I congratulate all professional truck drivers who demonstrated their skills and won any round of participating in a truck driving championship!


Finally, I recognize the truckers who helped their fellow human beings in a time of need.

Thank you for showing the world that some truckers still believe in loving their neighbors as they love themselves. 🙂

I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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