Homelink Diagnostics: Reviews by Professional Truck Drivers

When Vicki attended the 2012 Mid America Trucking Show, a Homelink Diagnostics card, the images of front and back of which are shown below, is one she picked up.

Front of Homelink Diagnostics brochure.
Back of Homelink Diagnostics brochure.

According to the card, this company has a “comprehensive program that offers a cost-effective and time-sensitive solution for diagnosing and treating Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).”


The back of the card provides some reasons for using the service, all written from the perspective of a trucking company:

DAT TruckersEdge - Most Loads. Best Rates. Serving Owner-Operators Since 1978. 10% off your first 12 months. New customers only.

  • “STOP SPENDING too much on your health care costs. …”
  • “STOP WORRYING about liability and risk. …”
  • “STOP LOSING good employees. …”


The back of the card continues with information of interest to professional truck drivers. The service:

  • has a nationwide network of home care companies (implied: USA);
  • provides quick turnaround on testing drivers for OSA; and
  • gives a less expensive, more comfortable, more convenient and a more realistic night’s sleep through home sleep studies.


As a personal observation, when Vicki visited the website listed on the card — homelinksdiagnostics.com/ — in January 2013, another website came up: http://www.nationalsleepservices.com/.

As of June 2022, the site wasn’t coming up at all or forwarding.


If you are a professional truck driver and you have used the Homelink Diagnostics obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis and treatment program within the last 6 months, we invite you to review it through the form below, answering questions such as these:

  • Were you able to be tested in your own home or truck?
  • How thorough were the instructions about setting up the test?
  • If you were tested in your home or truck, how much money did you save compared to having to go to a sleep lap for OSA testing?
  • Do you feel as though you got the same quality of testing with this company’s equipment as you would have gotten if you had gone to a sleep lab?
  • If the test revealed that you needed OSA treatment, how easy was it to be fitted for a CPAP machine or other device?
  • After being fitted for a CPAP machine from this company, how much better have you been able to sleep?




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