TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.03.30

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2024.03.30 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending March 30, 2024, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding bridge collapse, solar eclipse, and towing:

Bridge collapse

The biggest news in the trucking industry this week — with potentially the largest ongoing effect — was the collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge near/in Baltimore, Maryland, more details of which may be found on the website of the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA).

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There has been much speculation about this and I am going to present some information from both inside and outside the trucking industry.

First, from trucking sources:

Second, from outside the trucking industry:

Third, my own reply to a friend’s post on Facebook:

From someone with an analytical mind…

If the ship ‘lost power’ and therefore lost its ability to be steered, how was it able to make such a sharp turn toward the end? Hmm…

Fourth, in case America’s infrastructure was not on your radar screen, American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) lists some rather startling statistics about bridges, including:

  • “There are 167 million crossings on 42,400 bridges rated in poor condition.”
  • “1 in 3 U.S. Bridges Needs Repair or Replacement…”

So, with or without outside forces, there is the possibility that there could be other bridge collapses in the future and all professional truck drivers need to stay alert.

Regarding the Francis Scott Key bridge situation, please pay attention to:

  • detours in this area; and
  • how detours will affect congestion, travel time, fuel consumption, and more.

Solar eclipse

Regarding this article:

No size/weight permitted travel allowed on eclipse day, says TxDMV

one writer wrote:

This is getting absurd. Now NO TRUCKS allowed on the highways due to the solar eclipse? (mostly commercial trucks) Why should the SHADOW of the MOON matter so much that now they have to ban most trucks?

Please bear in mind that the article says “permitted travel,” which the writer may not have understood does not mean “no trucks whatsoever.”

However, he asked a very pertinent question about why the eclipse matters to the trucking industry.

Is something coming that those of us who are not on the inside cannot see?


As I wrote in my March 9, 2024, TDMST Weekly Round-Up:

Predatory towing is a violation of “love your neighbor as you love yourself.”

I understand the need for rules and regulations about where to park, but in my opinion, the situation that gave rise to this whole predatory towing issue is a lack of safe parking for large commercial motor vehicles.

Here are a couple of the most recent articles about this:

2. Regarding business, bypass, transfer, and UPS closures:




This section covers acquisitions, buying, and selling.

UPS closures

Sometimes even the “big dogs” need to readjust their business strategy.

3. Regarding inspections and operations:


If you keep yourself and your rig in a perpetual state of readiness for an inspection, you will never be caught off-guard.


Please learn how to operate your truck well and how to be prepared.

4. Regarding crashes, death, impaired, and sleep:


Please look through these articles to see if there is anything you can learn to help you prevent being involved in a similar crash.


We express our deep sympathy — and offer our condolences — to the families of those whose loved ones died.


In that one of the articles listed below simply stated that the driver was “impaired” — without stating what caused it — I am lumping impairment by alcohol and drugs together under this section this week.


5. Regarding detention, employment, and retention:




6. Regarding economy, rates, taxes, and tolls – congestion pricing:




Tolls – congestion pricing

7. Regarding electric vehicles, emissions, and fuel:

Electric vehicles

Before you buy an all-electric Commercial Motor Vehicle, please do your due diligence.

Please see our Electric Truck Battery Questions.

Now, for the articles this week…



8. Regarding legal, legal – bankruptcy, legal – charged, legal – fatalities, legal – fraud, legal – road rage, and legal – Yellow:

These sections of articles contain some of the most recent information about different kinds of legal issues as they affect the trucking industry:


Legal – bankruptcy

Legal – charged

Legal – fatalities

Legal – fraud

Legal – road rage

Legal – Yellow

9. Regarding smuggling, theft, and violence:


Never ever transport people made in the image of God as if they were cattle or cargo — no matter how big a “payoff” you’ve been offered.



Prepare as best as you can to defend yourself, your possessions, your tractor, trailer, and the cargo on board.

10. Regarding ports and technology:


This section does not include articles about the port in Baltimore, Maryland.


11. Regarding parking and safety:


The second article in this section does not address the situation regarding what company drivers should do regarding reserving and paying for a safe and legal parking space.

If you know this information, please contact us through the form below.


12. Regarding awards, Citizen Driver awards, driver rewards, and recognition:


We congratulate all professional truck drivers who demonstrate skill on the job!

Citizen Driver Awards

Driver Rewards


We recognize those who helped their fellow human beings in a time of need.

Thank you!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

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