This page contains the Truckers Savings Journalists forms through which Truckers Savings Journalists (who have already had their applications approved)
We have discontinued this program. If you wish, you may contact us.
pitch articles or free-form reviews (after which, they must wait for pitches to be approved before writing); and
- submit articles or free-form reviews.
Note: We changed technology to get rid of the extra “pre-submission” step.
Note: “Formed” truck stop fuel island, restaurant or shower reviews are submitted on their own pages.
You may view the information on our Truckers Savings Journalists Program or our Truckers Savings Journalists FAQ.
Pitch Form
Why do we require that Truckers Savings Journalists “pitch” article or review ideas before writing?
In baseball, a “pitch” is what happens when the pitcher throws the ball toward the batter.
What we want to do is to bat every pitch of an article or review of yours out of the ball park — meaning that
- your idea meets all of our requirements,
- you write it well,
- it’s published and
- you earn money!
Have we ever rejected content that has been sent to us?
In spite of all of the clearly laid out terms, some people have submitted a guest post that didn’t meet our requirements!
Even with approved topics, they went to all the trouble of writing articles, but because they didn’t meet our standards, we had to reject them!
We don’t want that for you.
So when you get ready to pitch your ideas through the Truckers Savings Journalists forms below, keep before you that your goal through this program is to help your fellow truck drivers save money.
Give great value and go for it!
We have discontinued this program. If you wish, you may contact us.
Submission Form
The following is the online form through which you submit an article or free-form review — after having “pitched” it (above) and gotten approval.
We have discontinued this program. If you wish, you may contact us.
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