TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2022.12.31

TDMST Weekly Round-Up 2022.12.31 is the trucking commentary on news affecting professional truck drivers for the week ending December 31, 2022, written by Vicki Simons.

We welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback on the items of your choice below.

TDMST Weekly Round-Up

1. Regarding year end, predictions, winter, and parking:

Year end

Near year’s end, various authors always write articles summarizing:

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  • what wasn’t so good in the year wrapping up; and
  • what could be better in the year to come.

Here are a few about the trucking industry:



While I’m hopeful that we will not experience another “deep freeze” like the one from which we just emerged, please always take precautions in the winter.

Here are a few articles on our website about the winter:


Safe and legal truck parking has typically always been tight, but it is even more so when all of the trucks have to shut down because of bad weather.

Winter storms are one of those rare cases in which I can understand how “reserved” parking may be acceptable.

2. Regarding accidents, fatalities, fatigue, smuggling, and hitchhiker:


The first four articles in this section cover accidents caused by the truckers.

Endeavor never to repeat the actions that led up to them.


We express our deepest condolences and sympathy to those who passed away.


During the process of signing up to attend this webinar, I asked this question:

“How is it possible that ‘exercise’ can help combat truck driver fatigue when what they may really need is ‘sleep’?”

I hope that my question will be asked and answered during the webinar.


Never ever agree to haul human beings like they are cargo or cattle, no matter how much money you’ve been promised!


I would still like to have truckers’ opinions about how to prevent hitchhikers from jumping on the back of a trailer after one has completed a pre-trip inspection.

Please use the form below to comment.


3. Regarding economy, bankruptcies, fines, taxes, tolls, and UPS:


The following are some of the most recent articles having to do with the economy from the trucking industry’s perspective:






Was hanging onto the surcharge just a little too juicy to give up right away?

How will this affect their business?

4. Regarding technology, ELDs, exemptions, and speed limiters:




Speed limiters

Please read the article and comment through the form below on whether you agree or disagree with this trucker:

5. Regarding electric vehicles, emissions, fuel, and fuel cell:

Electric vehicles

Beware of “tax credits” or other “incentives” to persuade you to buy an electric truck.

Consider the “deep freeze” weather from which we just emerged and please comment below regarding what you would have done had you been stranded far from a charging station.



Fuel cell

In a different vein, beware of “tax credits” or other “incentives” to persuade you to buy a fuel cell-powered truck.

6. Regarding banned, border, and violence:


This kind of ban refers to roads being closed due to severe winter weather.



7. Regarding entry level, testing, and last mile:

Entry level

While I appreciate the time and effort that went into the preparation of “Training Provider Registry,” the FMCSA and DOT are unconstitutional entities according to The Constitution of the United States.


I’m glad that “hair testing” was not added to the “Clearinghouse” that already covers other kinds of tests.

Last mile

Be aware of potential changes in the trucking industry marketplace.

8. Regarding change and retention:


Quote from the article:

Are there things you wish you could change in the trucking industry? Do you sometimes feel as if you’re the only one frustrated by some particular issue?

Chances are many others feel the same way.

But nothing will change unless someone speaks up. And that someone could be you.

We agree.

In fact, part of the way that I plan to help those in the trucking industries is by publishing ebooks.

Look for those to be published in early 2023.


9. Regarding inspections, HOS, violations, and maintenance:


Quote from the infographic:

“13% of the commercial motor vehicles inspected were placed out of service for brake-related critical vehicle inspection item violations.


Here we go again with exemptions to the Hours of Service.

It may be one thing to provide heating oil to those who need it to survive ultra-cold winter weather.

But giving exemptions for fireworks?



You are the “captain of the ship” regarding your truck and it is your responsibility to do pre-trip inspections on your truck.

If you find something that is not safe or legal on your truck, put it out-of-service until it is fixed.

And for heavens sake, remember that you are paid to safely transport freight while driving, not watch videos (a form of distracted driving)!


The video embedded in the first article linked below was shocking to watch and we’re glad that the trucker was spared from being set on fire!

10. Regarding rates and recalls:



11. Regarding shortages and supply chain:


The first paragraph from the article reads:

Toyota Motor Corp. said its global output hit a record for November, thanks in part to solid consumer demand, though it warned of an uncertain outlook due to a persistent shortage of semiconductors and spikes in COVID cases in China.

Supply chain

Two sentences from the article linked just above are critical in my mind:

Even with the recent announcement that China is reopening, don’t expect the supply chain to go back to normal.

Why? Because the supply chain needs people. It takes people to make and move products.

There! I’m glad that someone finally stated that “the supply chain needs people… to make and move products.”

There’s been a big push to replace people with machines in many different sectors.

But here’s are some questions to answer:

  • Even if many tasks are taken over by machines and automation, in the end, who is going to buy the products or services the machines covered?
  • How will people buy the products and services if their jobs were taken over by machines?
  • Will everyone be able to pivot to a new non-taken-over-by-machines jobs?

12. Regarding recognition:

The article in this section contains a long list of linked articles covering those who “were recognized during 2022; some for their driving skills, some for their commitments to safety and their communities, and some for selfless acts to aid others.”

Thank you, one and all!

My husband Mike and I wish you — and all professional truck drivers — safe travels and lots of money saving opportunities on the road.

We also wish you a great end to 2022 and a prosperous 2023!

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