Category: Drivers
Need an expert to ‘shop for you’ when it comes to your (or your family’s) specific health insurance needs? Enter a health insurance broker.
How do hitchhikers get free transportation on, under, or behind trucks without truckers’ permission and how can hitchhiking be stopped?
The need for seat belt use among truckers is not only required by law, but it is imperative for one’s safety. Also covered: seat belt laws.
The reason why one should buy silver now is answered in Vicki Simons’s free report. You may buy silver through the links on this page.
Vicki Simons answers the question of “Why Buy Silver” in her Free Report “Protecting Your Purchasing Power with Silver Rounds: Pros, Cons, and Tips” — which you may request through the form on this page.
On their website’s 14th anniversary, trucker consumer advocates Mike and Vicki Simons announced upcoming money saving ebooks that will open the door for conversations to help truck drivers worldwide save money.
In late 2022, one trucking company announced a truck driver furlough. Let’s examine this is greater detail.
These are the comments that Vicki Simons submitted to the FMCSA on Electronic IDs or Electronic Identification of CMVs.
What are the top trucking issues in 2022? The American Transportation Research Institute sent the following in an email on November 7, 2022.
Distracted driving involves having one’s attention diverted away from safe driving. Consequences can include property damage and/or death.