Category: Reviews
Professional truck drivers can enter for a chance to get an IdleAir Gift Card, good for IdleAir service at any of their locations.
This is a review of the the truck stop restaurant Granny’s in Wildwood, Georgia. Restaurant Review Grannys Georgia Wildwood
The Innovation Factory Truckers Friend is said to be an all purpose tool useful in any situation that requires hacking, prying, pulling or pounding. How do professional truck drivers like it?
The Tracker Lunchbox Oven can be purchased in selected truck stops. Does it work well to cook food? Professional truck drivers can review it now.
Does the RoadPro Portable Stove, a 12-volt product, work well to cook food in a truck? Is it a good value? We invite professional truck drivers to review it.
Are you or is your company an exhibitor who is giving away freebies or discounts to truckers at the Mid America Trucking Show (MATS)? Share your info now.
This is our review of Krud Kutter Original and Tough Task Remover, written for professional truck drivers.
Among the entertainment options available to truck drivers is VuQube, a truck-mounted system. How do those who use it rate it?
PowerHunt 12 Volt Products are said to be of better quality than other similar products. Are they? What do professional drivers say?
The IdleAir anti-idling system provides temperature control and entertainment benefits to truck drivers. How do professional truck drivers like it?